International Hope! Arc - 16

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Dearest friend,

Thank you for your call the other night, it was nice to hear your voice again. It seems like it's been forever since last time. And it was funny that you fell asleep on the line. Anyway, I'm glad that I got to speak to you. I'm going out today to help with the refugees, so I don't have much time to write. And about the school-a tank of sharks? I don't even want to imagine the possibilities. I wish I could help you with your nightmares, they sound horrific.

I am anticipating coming back and being able to celebrate our late friends, thank you for helping arrange all this. Kyoko appreciates it too. Have you considered inviting Hina or Hagakure to help you out at the school? Maybe their company can make it all easier on you. You sound really stressed.

Well, I should get going now, before Kirigiri comes back and drags me out of our room. I hope you're faring well. Call me again when you have the opportunity, please. And please excuse the brevity of this letter.

Love, Makoto

(xoxo means hugs and kisses...did you seriously not know that???)

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