International Hope! Arc - 21

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Dear Makoto,

I am trying to keep myself sane by writing to you, by pretending that you'll get these letters and feel comforted by them amidst everything. Nothing is good without knowing you're safe. I am constantly reaching out to both you and Kirigiri in hopes of anything, that at least you'll see it and know that you haven't been discarded in the list of priorities. You wouldn't want me to lose hope right now, so I am trying my best not to. But with little communication between us and the Liberation Force, and with being so far away, it has been difficult. I am overwhelmed by the possibilities of what might be happening to you right now. I am aware that at the time of the attack, you were out at the border to help refugees. I wonder if they targeted a group like yours first, an isolated one. I don't want to consider these things, but I am forced to. With you being such an important person, and symbol, I am worried that you might be at the top of some kind of list they've concocted of their enemies. Although I am always thankful for your talent, it also leads to you being put in danger.

There is distrust between the Liberation Force and the Future Foundation. Each side accuses the other of masterminding all this, despite all the evidence. It's just hysteria, right? I remember writing to you, telling you how irritated I would be if I had to be in attendance at the international meeting at the Liberation Force. I now regret those words. Despite my full faith being in you, I am still wishing that it would have been me in South Korea instead of you. That I had been attacked instead of you. I wish I had been there, or gone with you. I look back and reread our previous correspondence and think of all the missed opportunities I had to be there in person with you. I just want to be with you again. I just want to know that you are well. Things were fine a couple days ago, right? Or did you have a sense of despair looming over you as if you knew something was about to happen? I miss you, Naegi. I miss you so much. I had grown passive, fat in my confidence that the worst was over, that you and I would never be put in such dire situations like a killing game again. I am so sorry I am not there to protect you. I want to go look for you myself, I want to save you from whatever is happening myself. But they aren't allowing me. But I will find a way, I promise you that Makoto. I've always been able to find a way through this kind of restriction, right? I love you, please be safe.

Yours, Byakuya

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