International Hope! Arc - 4

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To: Byakuya Togami (-------@--------------------)

From: Makoto Naegi (-------@--------------------)

As requested, we have finished the first draft of the report, and I am sending it to you for edits. Hori was indeed an excellent typist as you suggested. I have also been attending all of the meetings regarding this matter, but haven't seen you at any of them? I've noticed your assistant, Genki, is always in the room, taking notes on their computer, but you never are there. Is there a reason? I know you aren't interested in the conference, but I at least was hoping to see you there after you had described your busy schedule of these meetings. Please get back to me with a time we can be together in person before my departure.

Kirigiri is still refusing to confirm her relationship is officially romantic with Hina. And Aoi just gets smug when I ask her before she runs off, giggling. It's like they have their own inside joke I don't get. I've heard you deployed Hiro back out to Towa-why? He doesn't exactly know why either, and we both know he already went and brought back Kuwata's cousin, only for her to go rogue and try to destroy the foundation...

Anyway, I hope you are doing well. When are you leaving for Hope's Peak? Hopefully not before I do, I want to see you one more time before I go, and I don't want an excuse that you left for the Academy early. I like seeing you in person and hearing your voice, reading your words is nice but there's a different kind of special to when we are face to face.

Your friend, M. Naegi

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