International Hope! Arc - 28

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Liberation Force


Brief Investigation Report

Thanks to the Head of Future Foundation and the Leader of their 13 Division, we have been able to uncover more information on the possible leader of this attack, as well as their possible location. The identity of this probable leader is Kanon Nakajima, and we are hoping to safely get her into custody for questioning. This has been pieced together through the several mentions of Leon Kuwata, her cousin, as well as the suggestions of revenge. She has previously attacked the Future Foundation, and we know that she blames them for her cousin's death. However, we don't know how she would have gotten to South Korea, or if the Future Foundation members being held captive are still alive. Through uncovered plans for torture, we know that there are plans for recreating the machine used in 1,000 Blows, Leon Kuwata's execution from the Hope's Peak Killing Game. There are also plans to recreate the rooms of Leon Kuwata, Makoto Naegi, and Sayaka Maizono, from Hope's Peak Academy. We are unsure why, all we know is that those rooms are all related to Kanon's cousin and the murder of Sayaka Maizono.

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