Towa Arc - 2

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I don't understand the need for you to send a letter of all things to my office. It's a waste of paper, you could just type it up and email it to me. However, I will humour you and write back.

I've heard that everything is running as smoothly as it can in Towa City, my understanding is that with your leadership, progress is being made, despite the claims you made in your letter. In a past life I would have scoffed at the idea of parents being afraid of their children, but the atrocities that have been described to me, as well as the things I witnessed in captivity, have made that more believable. But now that they are no longer under the influence of the brain washing, it only makes sense for them to be happy to be reunited with their child, correct?

From what you've written, it seems Toko has made little to no progress in the city. Clearing out bodies from the city seems to be the obvious first step in restoring it. I have no response to her message, and I am imploring you to not include her comments in our correspondence.

From what I've seen from you, I know you will be able to withstand the horrors remaining in the city. You've proven yourself formidable. I also trust that all the time you are spending not working on our project will be made up, but in order to finish your task as fast as possible, it would be best to just focus on Towa for now.

Being the head of the 14th division is no easy task, but I am a Togami, so handling it comes naturally. Don't concern yourself with what I am doing, it is not your business to attend to. And yes, I am working in a much grander office than before.

Asahina and Kirigiri frolicking around together are not of my concern.

- Togami Byakuya, Head of the 14th Division

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