International Hope! Arc - 10

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Dear Naegi,

While I am hesitant to indulge you in the specifics of my agitation, I will tell you what I can. I am having to reconsider things-things to do with the Togami Corporation, as well as my own personal well being and relationships. These things cause me to stay up well into the night, I have grown friends with the pearlescent moon, staring at it while craning my head to the frosted window of my abode. While my eyes grow hazy at the light reflected on the moon's cratered surface, my mind dozes to the thought that it is the same rock that has been shining before the Tragedy. I had never paid it much mind before-with the rare exception of when I was little and told it of my deepest feelings (of contempt), but now it dawns on me as the sun rises that it has witnessed the destruction of order and humanity, and is now watching it be rebuilt. Its watchful gaze observed as Junko Enoshima plotted Hope's demise-only for it to be reborn inside of you. My sleep deprivation has made me more poetic, I've also noticed. I can only wish that this weak spell doesn't cause me to write something embarrassing.

It makes me content that you have taken to marveling at the Liberation Force, you seem happier there than you are in Japan?

Personally, I don't believe my life will ever return to the "normal" I knew of before. My family's corporation-everything I've worked for, the generations before me worked for-is utterly gone. I wish to restore it, but sometimes my heart is tangled and tells me that that is a pipe dream, I've now been forced to commit to rebuilding hope with you, you and the others.

You were thinking of me while tasting a sweet delicacy? I'm not sure whether I am repulsed or flattered, although my mind wants me to lean a certain way. And no, I don't ever recall eating from a KFC...

Christmas, huh? I must admit, I have never celebrated it like I have seen it done traditionally. My father was opposed to giving me gifts, instead he gave me more work to do, which I didn't object to. Curiosity makes me want to celebrate it properly for the first time, with you. I'll have to mull over what I'd desire as a gift, so I'll ask you what you want.

How have the meetings been going? Please be sure to keep me up to date.

Warmly, Byakuya

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