International Hope! Arc - 27

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I know you won't ever read this, but, please know that we're looking for you. We haven't given up on you. I haven't, and I never will.

We've rescued some members of the Liberation Force, and gotten some information about this whole attack. We are hopeful that we'll find you soon, and we'll find the one who organized all of this. I'll see to it personally that they're punished for what they've done. I don't know what you're going through right now-my mind keeps me up at night with horrible ideas of what might be happening to you as a result of your capture. You and Kyoko were high priority on their list-why? Because you're the Ultimate Hope? Sometimes I wish you weren't, that you were just that Ultimate Luck with no exceptional qualities.

Hina is spending every minute she can writing, or typing on her computer. I watch her do it, her eyes glassy. She's been crying a lot. Whenever I have the chance to see what she's writing, it's about Yuta. Anything that comes to her mind about him, she'll write it down. She carries a little notebook with her when we go anywhere away from the tents. It makes sense why, but I worry for when she wants to look back and read it, the papers are usually tear stained, the writing obscured or illegible. When she isn't writing, she's working, pouring over every document she can find on the Ultimate Despair systems we've obtained, putting together anything she can to lead us to Kyoko and you. She doesn't talk to me much. No one does, to me at least, as they know I'm not supposed to be here. The leader of Future Foundation is apparently supposed to sit by, idle, when their peers are captured and suffering. Isn't my job to look after the Future Foundation? And that includes you. So I won't ever stop looking.

Yours, Byakuya

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