Ineffable Arc - 19

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To: Byakuya Togami (-------@--------------------)

From: Kyoko Kirigiri (-------@--------------------)


Hina and I are so pleased to hear that you will be attending! Is there any specific food that you would like to be provided? Hiro already asked for cheeseburgers, so those will be there, but I know you're not into that kind of food. I know you like curry, but is there anything specific? Makoto told me to reserve a spot for you and him next to Hina and I. Aoi was excited at the prospect of a "double date".

Speaking of Makoto, he's quite annoying about wanting to return to the Liberation Force so soon. I told him to at least wait until after Valentine's Day so you could give him something, and then he could go for a week or so, be back in time for White Day so he can return the favor. I've tried to tell him to stay a little longer. I would also be horrified if he left this January. Also, you don't have to be so shy to ask me about him.


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