International Hope! Arc - 3

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(Quick note before the chapter! To celebrate me posting 200,000+ words on wattpad/ao3, I am opening oneshot requests! If you want to submit one, use this google form: ) 

To: Makoto Naegi (-------@--------------------)

From: Byakuya Togami (-------@--------------------)

I have had to attend many meetings, regarding the upcoming conference, as well as helping Japan recover, I haven't had many still moments to just sit in my office. There aren't many "fun" moments here, so I have none to tell you about.

The conference is going to take place in South Korea. You are going to travel by boat, as is the norm without accessible airports and planes. There is a large hub in the country that is volunteering to host representatives of the different countries they have been able to contact. You will be leaving in two weeks, and your stay will be anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how smoothly the conference goes. They are expecting a clear, thorough report on how Japan is doing, how resources are being used, all of those details. I have already sent you many papers about the nature of the reports they are expecting, so I won't go over all of them at this moment. Please finish these reports within the next week, you will be working side by side with Kirigiri and Hori. Hori is an excellent typist, matching their steady intellect. You already know of Kirigiri's attentiveness. I will go over these reports, edit them, and add suggestions on how to improve them. Everything will be prepared by the time you depart, if you need any help go to Nayla Shimada, she will be going with you, and has been working on her own reports for many weeks now. She is a diligent and astute worker.

Our project to work on the Academy had halted, but I am resuming it myself. It is taking all my extra time, but it is worth it. Resources are being sent to the campus, I will be leaving this building in order to go and work on it with my own hands. Maybe your experience of handy work in Towa would be useful there, but you have other duties to attend to.

- Togami Byakuya

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