International Hope! Arc - 11

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Dear Byakuya,

I hope you are soon able to return to a healthy sleep schedule, I don't want you to grow ill or anything because of the matters troubling you. Regarding the Togami Corporation-I am confident you will be able to restore it. The Byakuya I know is headstrong, intelligent, so I have no doubt that once we have finished our work at the Foundation (a line of work that seems at the moment to have a light at the end of the tunnel), you will be able to rebuild your corporation. I'll offer my help when the time inevitably comes. I wonder why relationships are causing you trouble-hopefully not ours. And if it is related to us, I can only hope that our relationship isn't souring or causing you to suffer. You are one of the closest people to me, as well as one of the most important. We've been through life and death together, the memories we've shared will never not be looked upon without fondness in my heart. I care about you deeply, deeper than I'm sure you'd like, but I can't apologize for that. Anyway, enough of that rambling aside, in short, I just hope that what's between us isn't causing you sleepless nights.

And the moon-your writing about it struck a chord inside of me. It caused me to look at it myself through my window today, and I was comforted by the thought we were probably both looking at it at that moment. It's crazy, it's really been there, the same floating rock as it was before when things were peaceful.

With all the greatness the Liberation Force is, it still cannot replace the home I've had in Japan. I think I've said something similar to this before-back in Towa. My home is in Japan, meaning my heart is in Japan, and as long as you are there it won't budge either. Komaru, Hina, Hiro, and Toko too. And I guess some of my home is in the Liberation force as well now-Kyoko being here and all.

You write that you've been forced to commit to rebuilding hope with me, that that is making you unable to rebuild the Togami Corporation. My view is that a part of rebuilding hope for you is rebuilding the Togami Corp., so we will get to that eventually as I stated earlier.

As for Christmas, I am excited that you want to celebrate with me! Although it's a bummer you've never had a proper chance to celebrate it before. Guess I'll be there for your first! And for a gift, I think some candy, or some pictures for my office might be nice. Pictures of us, us and our friends. And maybe a nice blanket of some kind. If you have any ideas of what you'd want, tell me right away! I already have an idea of something I might give you.

The meetings have been going well! Kyoko is a very talented presenter, as we've known. She is much better than I am, even if they want me to speak more than they want her to. I've been asked a lot of questions about Hope's Peak, a lot a lot. About the killing game, just whatever. But past their curiosities, they are impressed with Future Foundation's progress. We are starting to make plans about working together. I am glad that things are working smoothly.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well when you receive this letter. Remember to take some time to relax!

Your friend, Makoto

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