International Hope! Arc - 12

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My friend,

Your last letter has helped me remain calm as I return to the horrors of this place. We find hidden rooms every so often, packed full of torture devices, blood-stained things, the things Enoshima used when executing people. We're still figuring out where to make a burial for the bodies in the freezers. It has been a long, hard process of debates and such, what to do with them. Because of the broadcast, perceptions of our class have been tainted, some people I trust as efficient workers betraying me, saying they shouldn't be honored. I'm firm in my position that there should be a memorial, a shrine, whatever it takes to honor their memory. Whenever I see pictures of them, or any trace of them, I have a weird, warm feeling, as if at the back of my mind I still have the feelings of being classmates with them before the Tragedy. Sometimes I can hear Kuwata's laughter, or Maizono's humming, or Chihiro's fingers clicking on their keyboard. It gives me hope that one day, I might unlock the vault of memories of my formative years. I already know my brain has sealed away ones from my youngest years, protecting me from traumas delivered by my family. Thank you. Although I don't need your assurance, it aids my eyes to sleep at night knowing someone I am close with is thoroughly confident in the revival of my family's corporation.

Don't worry yourself over our relationship. I respect you, in the least. Sometimes our companionship has made me confused, I haven't been fully accustomed to the concept of 'friends', so maybe that is the cause. Thank you for caring for me, Naegi. It's more than a lot of people have done for me, if you can believe it. I am perfect, after all.

I am glad we can share the moon. At least it now has a purpose, right?

Regarding Christmas, I am considering what I'd might like to receive. But maybe presents are too much for my first celebration of it. Is it necessary for you to get something for me? I doubt there's anything I want or need that I can't already acquire. I wonder what you're considering to gift to me though. Better not be something stupid.

Stay well, Makoto. I know you're working hard there.


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