International Hope! Arc - 15

23 3 1

Liberation Force

Call Transcription by Dae Jin

Date: --/--/----

Call Arrival: 00:34

Call Duration: 2:03:57

Dae Jin: Hello, you have reached the Liberation Force, what is the purpose of your call?

Togami Byakuya: I want to speak to Naegi Makoto, this is the Head of the Future Foundation Japan, Togami Byakuya

Dae Jin: Do you know Naegi's authorization number?

Togami Byakuya: 7-2-1-4-5-5-2-9-0-4,

Dae Jin: Hold on one moment while your call is transferred. [unintelligible]

Togami Byakuya: Come on Makoto [unintelligible]

[line is transferred to 7214552904]

Makoto Naegi: [unintelligible] [yawning] Hello?

Togami Byakuya: Naegi-

Makoto Naegi: Byakuya? Why are you calling me? It's so late too. [shuffling] You miss me that much?

Togami Byakuya: Don't fool yourself. I called because I have something important to discuss with you. How has the conference been going?

Naegi: Fine? I have been writing to you about them, and emailing you the paperwork. It is all automatically sent to you, right? Have you been getting them?

Togami: Yes, but I have specific questions for you. The paperwork that I receive only tells me so much. I don't even get an audio file or, [brief pause] written versions of what was said. Am I not supposed to? Or [unintelligible]

Naegi: Oh, they do have a typist but I think that is just for their records. What are your questions? And why are you calling so late? You should be sleeping

Togami: I had no other time to catch you.

Naegi: What? Are you sure? That must mean that you have been really busy over at the academy, right? Is something going on that you're not telling me about? You're making me a little worried. I mean, I know you've seen some, disturbing things.

Togami: No, there isn't anything going on.

Naegi: You sure?

Togami: Of course I am.

Naegi: Well I'm just worried,

Togami: Don't be then. There's nothing to worry about. If you want me to get off the line with you so bad it would be nice if you could shut up so I could ask the questions.

Naegi: Okay

Togami: I've read about a transfer of some of our food supply heading over to the Liberation Force, but I have no clue when or why that would happen. As much as I would loathe being there, it would at least be nice to hear about all the plans you were making without guidance. When should we be prepared for that?

Naegi: But that info goes to Aoi's district right? We don't handle supplies as much as we handle media, or whatever.

Togami: I am aware, but I am going to have to deal with those arrangements as well, you know. We will have to let people know of that transfer, so it's best I am able to prepare beforehand.

Naegi: They're planning to do it in four, five months? I'm not sure exactly.

Togami: And why is this happening? You previously explained to me the abundance of food over there.

Naegi: They are bringing in survivors from other countries, so they are expecting to have to rehabilitate thousands of more people, and Future Foundation has been doing well with its food, so our extras will be carried over, I think.

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