Ineffable Arc - 11

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Byakuya's hands were in his hair, on his waist, pulling the thin fabric of his shirt from the waistband of his pants, his cold fingertips gliding across his skin. Everything between them was fire, hot and burning. And it was easier each time he leaned forward to kiss him, each time he touched him. But, Makoto was well aware he was with a Togami, so not everything was easy. But this was, so he didn't think about it. And he couldn't think about much of anything when their bodies were pressed against each other, his teeth latching onto Byakuya's bottom lip.

One button undone from his shirt, so Makoto hastily moved on to the next.

"Makoto," his partner pushed out his name, bracing his hands against his shoulders, pulling his head away. The alarm on his phone was going off, a hazy beeping that made anger flare up in his chest. "It's time, I...I have to go,"

Despite himself, he said, "It can wait," and kissed him again, the next button undone and then then next, and he was able to touch the sharpness of his collarbone, the softness of his skin.

"The meeting-"

"Can wait just a little longer," Makoto undulated, pressing Byakuya more harshly against the desk. "Please,"

And as Byakuya smirked, he knew he had him. Byakuya leaned forward to kiss his lips, his jaw, his neck, his hands moving to hoist him up higher, closer to the hard and sharp angles of him. Makoto hummed his appreciation, pressing on the phone to make the alarm stop.

Ten minutes later, and they were fumbling to make themselves look proper. The alarm was going off again, and Togami was glaring at Makoto. "I thought you had turned it off?"

"I musta hit snooze," he flushed, combing his fingers through his hair. Byakuya zipped up his pants, sighing as they walked out the door.

"We better not arrive there late."


Byakuya's eyes flickered over to him. "Don't be, I was the one who had asked you to come."

That was true, a small note had been on Makoto's desk that morning, asking for him to go to Byakuya's office thirty minutes before the meeting that he had scheduled that day. Signed at the bottom was his partner's name with a small, nearly microscopic heart next to it.

When they made it inside, most everyone else was already seated. But they were still on time.

"Come on Byakuya, don't let Makoto be such a bad influence on you," Hina giggled as she got out of Byakuya's usual chair and pulled it out for him.

Makoto's brows furrowed. "Huh?"

"What exactly does that mean?" Byakuya added.

"Your shirt," she grinned, pointing at him then going to sit next to her girlfriend.

"My shirt?"

They both looked down, at the four buttons left unclasped, the pale exposure of skin so direly unprofessional.

"Damn it."

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