Eyeteeth Arc - 3

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To: Togami Byakuya(-------@--------------------)

From: Kirigiri Kyoko(-------@--------------------)

Byakuya, the announcement you have made is laughable, I hope you know. I hadn't seen it earlier, but upon reading it I nearly wept. Seriously, people are going to question the steadiness of your leadership if you continue forward like this. I understand your concern, as I do not want him to leave too, but to give commands such as this? I wish you seeked my counsel to revise such a poor draft before hitting send. Hopefully, people don't poke at this too much, and Makoto is not startled by the sudden "security" he is going to be surrounded with once caught. Unless he's already gone, that is.

At least I'll thank you for the laugh, Togami. It was what I needed.

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