Eyeteeth Arc - 14: Hunger

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He was gone the next day from the bedroom. Makoto woke up early for the first shift to Togami's bags resting underneath blankets instead of him. He sighed, and rose up, the chill not as brutal as it was the day before. He rubbed the soft fabric against his arms, squeezing the heat trapped in the fibers against him. When he reached the kitchen he saw a new shipment of food unpacked and restocking the shelves that had become bare, and there were even some extra boxes packed full of cans and containers, cups to keep drinks hot lying on top.

Lim nudged his side, holding a steel cup in her hand.

"Hot chocolate, is it?"

She nodded, before taking another sip.

"Sorry I wasn't here to help you unload."

She shook her head in response, before rolling her eyes. She set her cup down to sign at him, but Makoto couldn't catch everything she said.

When the first shift came in, everyone thanked him for the food and ate silently and merrily, steaming drinks warming them before they were given their breakfast of soup and crackers. Can after can was poured into the pots, and can after can was eaten by the hungry workers. Second shift soon followed, in the same good mood, followed by third and then fourth. Fourth arrived with blankets wrapped around their shoulders, and smiled at each other as they ate.

"Is there something I missed?" Makoto asked Lim as he ran plastic bowls under the sink.

She shook her head at him.

"Togami left this morning."

She responded simply, I know.

"I thought he would have stayed longer."

You must have really beaten him down. Looking at him blankly, Lim sighed before turning away to grab more dirty dishes from the window.

"And I'm glad that he left. Finally listened to me." He said this and thought about Togami's face, falling into place around the long line of scar tissue reaching up from his sharp jaw to the softness of his lips, crawling up his face and pointing towards the inner corner of his keen blue eyes. He thought about the way relief flooded into those eyes and softened every part of him, stiff bones and angles curving towards him, inviting Makoto into his warmth. He thought about the way Togami's arms reached immediately to embrace him, but were held away before they could. The light that had blown out from the joy of his eyes, candles going mute and the air returning to cold. The entire time of Byakuya's stay, he was facing him, opening himself up to him in case Naegi happened to trip over into his chest. His eyes had constantly watched over him, palms towards him, and he had kept nearing to touch him. Naegi thought about the way his arm had bowed at the mass of Byakuya's chest, nearly folded when Togami pressed himself closer to him before realizing the hand holding him at bay. He thought of how weak he was.

Lim punched his arm, shoving him out of the way as broth boiled close to the lip of the pot.

"Sorry! Wow, you're strong."

Were you daydreaming?


You need to focus.

"I try." Makoto frowned, his pout soon twisting into a yawn.

You're tired.

"Not really. No More than usual."

Lim moved over once the soup had calmed and Makoto returned to his place. Did you and that boy sleep late?

"No. No! Lim."

She raised her eyebrows at him, getting a hint of a smile back.

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