International Hope! Arc - 18: stuff my heart in a bottle and sail it overseas

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Dear Makoto,

I feel like I need to get this down in writing right now, before it leaves my head and I don't have the kind of confidence required for this task. So if this seems rushed or messy, it wasn't my intention. You have made me flustered beyond understanding, so please humour my struggle.

Between your past letters, the call, to now, I have been struggling with things, as you know. And perhaps I lied when I dismissed the idea of my concerns being about our relationship-our friendship. I haven't had the chance to have many friends in this lifetime, nor did I have the desire to. But due to circumstances the both of us are well aware of, I had no other choice than to let someone like you closer to me. You have been there for me in ways I had figured impossible for someone to do, the depth of your empathies and kindness seems bottomless, especially regarding my struggles. You have wedged your way into my life, and by now I have opened the door fully to welcome you, and I just wish for you to step inside on your own accord.

I stay up at night sometimes, thinking of things. And one of the most consistent among those things is you, you always seem to appear in my mind before I sleep, and when I am sleeping, you are often there too. And not in the bad way, more like someone passively lulling my eyes shut. Well, that isn't fully honest, sometimes you have kept me up late, not you physically, but the you in my heart, which are one in the same, yes, but you understand what I'm saying, right? When you stay in my mind at night, I feel this kind of burning at the back of my chest. And sometimes I feel like I'm lying to you in regards to our relationship. I don't desire to lie anymore, or at least in this moment.

You have emailed me recently, and toyed with the longing I have expressed to you at any moment it slipped from me. Please, cease your cloying words and flirtations. I know you aren't thinking too heavily about them, but it makes me confused, hurt. You have carved out a large piece of me, and I find it hard to stop thinking of how you've taken me and spun me around and made me swoon. Begrudgingly, I tell you this. My affection for you runs deeper than you probably think, and deeper than I had wanted to admit as well. But I thought you should know so that ...well so that you can know this and do with it what you want. You already have me in the palm of your hand.

I truly do value you and do hold the desire for us to be more...whatever that means. I have watched you grow, watched you be amazing. You are brave, Makoto, braver than the majority of people. Sometimes you are stupidly brave, running into dire situations with the idea set in your mind that you will be able to help, and despite all odds, you usually return victorious. You are kind, sweet, willing to be friends with mostly anybody, even people who are pretentious and always push you away. And you aren't too stubborn with your mission to be friends, you stick yourself with someone in a comfortable way, an approachable way. I'm sure many have been charmed by this kind of unique talent you possess. You are a great friend, so I apologize if my letter sullies what we have, which is something I truly cherish. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours always, Byakuya Togami

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