Ineffable Arc - 13

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a/n: just an fyi, this chapter is nsfw so you can skip it if you want. hopefully the characterization is okay (I feel like at this point Makoto is more comfortable with being flirtatious?) I don't usually write this kind of stuff, so I hope it isn't bad. And again, I hope the characterization isn't screwed up in this! Thank you for supporting me, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Lots of love <3

Byakuya got up from where he had been sitting on the couch, Makoto mumbling something as he left. He had indulged in sweets and sugar for the entire day, and he needed something that wouldn't make him worry about cavities.

He turned the faucet on, slipping a glass beneath the stream of it. His first Christmas was slowly slinking by, less than two hours and it was done. He had a pile of gifts arranged by the tree, neatly organized. Like he had promised, Makoto had given him pictures of them together, with their friends, and Togami hadn't been successful in fully concealing his appreciation for them. He already knew where each picture was going to go.

After finishing his glass of water, he turned, and saw Makoto standing in the entryway. Byakuya crossed the room over to him.


"Did you get bored of the movie?" he asked, reaching for his hand. Byakuya let him take it.

"No, I just needed some water." He moved to go back to the couch, but Makoto held him firmly. "What is it?"

Blushing, Makoto used his other hand to point to the archway above them, where he had hung mistletoe earlier. "Aren't you going to kiss me?"

Playing with him, Togami replied, "You don't seriously think I'm going to participate in this juvenile tradition, do you?"

Makoto perked up one eyebrow. His fingers tightened around Byakuya's. "You were the one who got this for me."

He felt heat rise up to his neck. "As a joke."

"Come on," Makoto tugged his hand towards him, and he couldn't resist, coming closer, staring down at him. His hair was messed up from leaning against him, brown strands sticking out and hanging low over his brow. Slowly, Naegi moved his free hand to cup Byakuya's cheek, thumb running over his cheekbone. He drew his head forward. Byakuya's eyelashes tickled his cheeks as he closed his eyes. Hot breath brushed over him, and then lips were pressed to his cheek, and then Makoto was leaning back. Byakuya bit his lip, feeling a little disappointed. "Was that not good enough for you?" Makoto flirted, his voice dropping in tone.

He hummed in response, not sure what he could say in return.

"Byakuya..." Makoto kissed him directly this time, his hands tight as Byakuya moved to hold his slim waist, pressing him closer. Their bodies moved in tandem, pushing and pulling and always maintaining close proximity to each other. Makoto let go of his hand, turning so Byakuya's back pressed against the wall of the archway. The cool wood was sharp against his shoulder blades, but didn't fill the curve at the small of his back, and Makoto slipped his hand there.

Makoto moved his lips downward, to the slope of Byakuya's neck, perfectly pristine. His teeth caught the place he knew was most sensitive and Byakuya tried to suppress a weak whimper. His hands moved along Makoto, his thumbs crossing over his stomach and downwards, pressing down where they slipped at the waistline of his pants.

"Byakuya?" Makoto pulled away, making his partner's head dip downwards, their noses brushing as he tried to connect their lips again. "Byakuya," he repeated, and he moved his head back to look at him, the wet line of his bottom lip, the lidded eyes that gazed at his face.

Togami's voice was barely above a breath. "What?"

Makoto looked away, to the room the others were dozing off in, where the TV was still droning on. "I need you to tell me something."

"What is it?" he rushed out.

"Tell much do you want me right now?"

The flirtations made Togami's face turn deep pink, his chest heaving upwards as he fumbled. Makoto's hand on his back pressed him closer. "Please, Makoto..."

"What is it?"

Byakuya kissed him again, slipping his tongue inside, eyebrows twisting upwards. He moved his hips forward, trying to generate any kind of friction. Hot, burning desire was flowing fast through him, he couldn't take a second more of Makoto's teasing.

After a moment of indulgence, Makoto pulled away again. "Use your words, Byakuya,"

"Don't do this to me," he frowned, sucking in a breath when Makoto slipped his knee between his legs, his thigh in the space between them. " Makoto, "

"Come on," He leaned forward, stopping right before their lips could touch. "Tell me,"

"Please, just," Byakuya sank downwards, rubbing himself on Makoto's thigh. He leaned forward to connect their lips again, trying to get closer, but Makoto pushed him harshly against the doorway, hands on his shoulders. Togami bit his lip. This wasn't the first time Makoto had teased him like this, making him fill with desire and pull away to make him devolve into a mess. Their dynamic would take a sudden turn, Makoto taking the lead. "You know how much."

"Mmm..." Makoto hummed, returning to kiss his jaw, his neck, fingers digging into his shoulders, then running down to his chest, pushing and squeezing. Byakuya twitched, his legs tightening around Makoto's thigh, his hips bucking forward and back. "I can feel it," Makoto mumbled, using one hand to touch his pants, the hardness beneath. He curled his palm and fingers around him, running up and down through the fabric, feeling him twitch. Then he stopped, abruptly. Makoto's voice was husky. "Do you like that?"

"Yes," Byakuya answered, melting underneath him, his face burning hot and his heart rattling under his ribs.

"Do you want me to keep going?"

"I need you to keep going," He rubbed himself on Makoto's thigh, his pants becoming too tight, too hot. His head hit the wall behind him as Makoto pressed his hand against him, his fingers tugging at the zipper, then his hand was around him through his briefs, but it still wasn't close enough. "Fuck,"

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