Ineffable Arc - 25

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My wonderful,

There is nothing I have ever enjoyed reading more than your words. And there is nothing I want more than to be at your side for the rest of the moments in my life. But there is a guilt inside me that makes me uncertain despite every heady reassurance of love expressed towards me. Please, forgive me for this, for everything this will put you through. Please, be here for me when I return. I knew that you wouldn't let me leave, so my desperation has led me to this. I hope that you understand this. I am taking your letters with me, so I can always hear your voice and words.

Yours, always and forever, and beyond even that, Makoto Naegi

A/N: Hi everyone! I have something SUPER exciting to announce to you all, that I am super excited and so grateful for...I GOT ACCEPTED INTO A ZINE!! YUP!! I am going to be a writer contributor for Rare Delights, a zine focused on rare pairs! This is such an amazing opportunity, and I am so hyped to be a part of that project! if you want to check it out, its @rare_delights on twitter! Alright, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter (it's the last for this arc!)

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