Eyeteeth Arc - 15

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Call Transcription

Recipient: Togami, that you? Already?

Togami: Yes.

Recipient: Don't sound too excited. So it was a failure.

Togami: Utterly and completely.

Recipient: I could have told you the outcome of your visit before you went off to freeze yourself to death.

Togami: Freezing is favorable to going so long without seeing him.

Recipient: You are really quite the romantic. Hold on. [unintelligible] Right. Hina wants you to know she hopes you're doing well. In her spare time she's taken your place supervising the school. When are you planning on getting back here?

Togami: I don't know. Depends how long I'm needed.

Recipient: According to your beloved, that means you're on the boat back home already.

Togami: Ha. Ha. Is Hina still there with you?

Recipient: Mhm. You'd rather talk to her than me?

Togami: Maybe.

Recipient: I'll get her on for you. Hina, he wants to...Hi! Hi Byakuya! I hope you're doing alright, are you?

Togami: As alright as I can be.

Recipient: Did he reject you?

Togami: Something like that?

Recipient: No I'm sorry! That boy has no sense. You just want to help.

Togami: I've destroyed things with him.

Recipient: Don't say that.

Togami: Why else would he have acted like that? This is what I get for...

Recipient: For? I couldn't hear you.

Togami: I don't know.

Recipient: He's just hurting...that's all.

Togami: Is that supposed to be reassuring?

Recipient: He's hurting from everything that has happened. Not from you. The attack on the Liberation Force, he sees it as his fault. He sees everything as his fault. Mukuro, Sakura, Taka.... Everyone.

Togami: And I thought I was supposed to help him. Am I not supposed to help him?

Recipient: He doesn't know he needs any help, my love.

Togami: He's an idiot. No, well. Everything is eating me up inside. He's so small. Cowering. It's like he's not there anymore. The flush of his cheeks. God...

Recipient: I'm sure seeing you must have brightened him up at least a little bit...

Togami: Really Aoi, it was a nightmare to see him like that. He didn't even let me touch him. And he was always the one to touch me first.

Recipient: Byakuya, I'm so sorry.

Togami: Don't tell me that. It's really my fault. Thinking I could help if I was here. He ran away from me, afterall. This stupid thing has clouded my judgment.

Recipient: What stupid thing?

Togami: Letting myself think this could work when I've never even...I don't know what I'm supposed to do. What am I even doing here?

Recipient: Helping.

Togami: I should have kept my eyes closed to this, should have ignored the line of communication once he had returned from Towa. The me from before would be horribly embarrassed. And frightened. Maybe I would have gotten rid of myself before this point if I knew what was to happen.

Recipient: I hate hearing you talk like this.

Togami: I don't know.

Recipient: You've been the happiest I've ever seen you when you would get a letter back, and that little skip in your step when you knew the mail had come and I was fingering through it, that stupid little smirk on your face as you waved an envelope addressed to you at your hip, trying to hide how smug it made you feel. And when you're around him, it's been nice to see someone so happy.

Togami: You describe it like a moronic schoolgirl experiencing a first crush.

Recipient: Love isn't moronic. It's good to have that happiness, especially now. Where everyone is so bleak. Seeing you happy has been...

Togami: You're so sentimental, I'm repulsed.

Recipient: Really, Togami. You can't say things like that.

Togami: It sounds stupid when you describe it. I'm supposed to be a leader. The Head of the 14th Division. Instead I'm distracted-

Recipient: Instead you've been enjoying life. And feeling things. And thinking about it, what is the difference between a schoolgirl and you, both experiencing their first loves?

Togami: I can't believe you most of the time.

Recipient: So what are you going to do?

Togami: My best, I suppose. Maybe I'll go home early, or stick it out until I'm buried under six feet of snow. Either way I feel something disgusting.

Recipient: I love you Togami. I'm always here for you to talk to. And when you do get back, we'll give you a warm welcome.

Togami: Thank you, Aoi.

Recipient: At least say it back.

Togami: How do I know your girlfriend isn't going to hold a microphone or what have you to the speaker when I do?

Recipient: Alright, I'll talk to you later then. Here, here's Kyoko.... What? What did you tell her that she's almost crying?

Togami: Calm down Kirigiri, nothing.

Recipient: Sure, sure. She's begging me to not tell you about the streams of-damn it Asahina-okay fine-do you have to go soon, Byakuya?

Togami: I suppose I could go off and do something. Are you busy?

Recipient: Not particularly.

Togami: Well I still won't waste your time. I think I'll be needed soon anyway, and I don't want to drain the battery. I'll talk to you later Kyoko.

Recipient: Mhm. Take care, we miss you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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