Ineffable Arc - 24

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I will avoid raising this issue up with you in person, no matter how hard it is to hold my tongue. I assume you want to address this in the cool tones of written letters, rather than heated debate. I believe this will also help me process this.

I understand the autonomy of your being, but it pains me to know the decision that you made. I just wish I could have been there to support you, to help ease the burden of being one on one with an attacker. My pride over your strength is very immense, and conflicts with my desire to help support you when you call upon your strength.

It sickens me to no end what Kanon told you. The facts of the killing game are very clearly laid out, yet she chooses to blame us because it gives her someone to fight against, it gives her something to hate so much. Her love for Kuwata is so twisted that no hope for the future can spring from it, only a vile loathing towards whoever she sees responsible, to whoever she can still attempt to strike down.

I want to wrangle the guilt out from you, Makoto. Without you, we wouldn't be alive here today. It is my belief that Leon would be grateful that you lived on. And my beliefs and convictions are often proven to be close to the truth and very well informed, you know. I think back to the trial-when he stuttered and insisted that we continue to think about the murder instead of voting for you right away. This detail may have slipped your mind, but I believe that Kuwata prolonged our discussion because he knew you deserved to live, that we all did. He did not deserve his punishment, but you do not deserve this guilt. Nakajima is misguided in her aims, for our classmate surely would have wanted the world to be rebuilt again rather than it crumbling with more lives lost. Memories of our years at Hope's Peak-our true years-dance behind my eyes, but evade my recollection. But that feeling of warmth remains. All of our classmates know that you deserve to be experiencing the best this world has to offer, and in its still sorry state, even better than it can give right now.

Do not feel bad because you couldn't scream at her-I will take care of that duty for you. It is understandable that you didn't berate her in the moment, after all she's put you through and the energy she's forced you to exert.

I plead for you to wait, only a few weeks more. Please.

Eternally yours, Byakuya

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