Ineffable Arc - 4

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Aoi Asahina's EMBARRASSING Speech!

by Kiyoto

Everyone was watching the closest screen with anticipation as Asahina Aoi took the stage, surrounded by...random Future Foundation members. None of them were Makoto Naegi, who we were all expecting to see. At Japan's (and the WORLD'S) time of need, he didn't show up. Our Ultimate Hope is no longer!? Well, maybe he'll come out later, we all figured. So we listened to Asahina, who we all know to be air-headed, drone on and on about what's happened. There was no intelligence in her words, no effortless poise and grace that Togami, Makoto, or even Kirigiri bring to the stage. She could barely pull herself together when trying to pronounce the names of the deceased, stumbling over her words when trying to describe them. All day, we were waiting to hear about what happened to Byakuya Togami, Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and others who were killed, but all we got was reassurances that they were fine! The public has not seen the Ultimate Hope for the past couple weeks, and people have begun to speculate if he is dead. And really, why shouldn't they!? Even after being discharged from the hospital, he made no public appearance to reassure us that everything was fine after the traumatic attack on the Liberation Force. Asahina did say "Makoto Naegi is currently resting and recovering along with his friend's at Hope's Chance Hospital," but that makes no sense when considering that he was discharged. Komaru Naegi says that he is alive and that she's gotten to see her brother, but really, how much are we supposed to believe when no one has seen him!

Asahina also mentioned that Togami has sustained an injury to his shoulder, but we already knew that! Komaru Naegi already told us that, so all in all, no new information about this attack was revealed by our Ultimate Swimmer, Aoi Asahina. Now, who's going to bring her some comforting donuts after this huge let down!

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