Eyeteeth Arc - 9

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My one,

Another day, then another passes by without you, and I can't bear being motionless at my desk any longer. I need to see you, to press myself against your cold body, to have you real in front of me. Not just a vision in my dreams.

I am glad my letters brought you consolation. Your words reassured me on my recent purchase of many warm coats. Did you not pack gear for the weather? Maybe that is why you shouldn't sneak away. You forget what is important. Speaking of cold, your words were very distant. Which worries me. I miss you. (How did I not see the bag of clothes you packed?)

Get some rest for me, dear. There is no need to push yourself so thin. If you wear yourself out too much, your body will reap the pain for longer than you'd think. It is honorable for you to give so much of your time and energy, but consider your own health, won't you?

I love you. I love you and I'll blind myself to the last question you wrote me.



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