Towa Arc - 5

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Dear Togami,

You better get used to writing letters, because this is working out well so far! Although, I do miss seeing you face to face. It's been a while since I've been stared at like I'm a bug to be squished beneath your heel, you know. I really don't think this is a waste of time though. Already I feel so much more connected to you! We don't have to think of things right on the dot, and we can have physical copies of the letters to look back on when we are feeling lonely. I doubt you are saving the letters like I have been though, so maybe disregard that idea. (And yes, there are reasons for us to have personal conversations, we care about each other, don't we?)

Thank you for your condolences, unfortunately her condition has only gotten worse. She is often nauseous, and is no longer able to rise from bed. Toko has taken on the task of staying by her side, which is a relief. She reads or writes while looking over Komaru, and whatever between them causes her to do whatever my sister requests. It is a side of Toko I've never seen before.

Thank you for the shower reminder too! Don't worry about it, I know how to take care of myself. Besides, smelling like rotting humans isn't good around a sick girl. Though I am afraid that this outing will be much longer than intended, so the extra week might not be enough...I hope you can stretch your understanding. All bodies that we know of have been cleared from areas, and now we are busy repairing buildings, restoring homes to the surviving people. The adults are slowly growing more relaxed as the city is put back together, but the majority are still frightened by the kids. I am glad to report though that a mother has taken it upon herself to take care of her daughter and another two girls. The three kids are close friends, and the mother is happy to look after them. It's taken a small load off my own shoulders, which is great! Regarding the adults who despise the kids, I would advise you to hold back your judgements until you see the atrocities committed in this city. Adults have been tortured, strung up like marionettes, played with like dolls. The details are horrific, but in this circumstance I feel they're necessary to share with you, Togami.

Despite claiming your compliments are baseless, you are very particular with what they say. It leads me to believe you actually mean them, but maybe that is just me hoping that to be the case. Regardless, I feel comforted when reading it.

How about you put a picture of all of us in your office? It might make it more homely, since you're going to be spending so much time there. I know you're adverse to decorations, but it can't hurt! I am disappointed that you aren't listening to me about taking some time to relax, but I know that's just your nature.

What kind of things do you do as the head of the 14th division? Is the workload too much? I know you can handle whatever comes your way, but I'm still curious. I'd like it if you told me about what you've been up to!

Have you been reading any good books lately? I've noticed you like picking novels apart for any flaws, and I'm interested in hearing about anything you've noticed in the books you've read recently. Analyzing books for that kind of thing isn't my strong suit, so hearing someone else do it is like a whole new world.

Anyway, I hope that this letter finds you well, I will be eager to receive a response! Already, taking some time to read what you write for me has become a nice break from the horrors of this city.


Makoto Naegi, (member of the 14th division) 

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