International Hope! Arc - 1

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To: Makoto Naegi (-------@--------------------)

From: Byakuya Togami (-------@--------------------)

Welcome back from Towa City. Attached to this email is the paperwork you must fill out regarding Towa City. It is to be returned within the next 24 hours, I will review and file it personally. There is no need to include any details about your personal activities, unless it detracted from your work.

Your arrival back to the Foundation is going to increase the haste with which the other countries want to have the conference. I will be sending you any of the information that you will need for this conference, as well as the dates and times for scheduled meetings. Make sure to be checking your inbox in case something is urgent. I have also received confirmation that I will not be going. However, Kirigiri is, so you have something else to look forward to on that trip. You've always been close to her.

On a more personal note, I am glad that the words I sent in my last correspondence with you have made you feel better. Snow Country is still a fine book.

- Togami Byakuya

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