Towa Arc - 7

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Dear Togami,

Your kind words about Komaru warmed my heart, and I told them to her and she wanted me to thank you. It is true, she was able to shut down the Warriors of Hope, she can get through this illness. She hasn't been getting worse, but she isn't getting better. Toko has made sure she is getting everything she needs, food, water, whatever. I am proud of her for it.

The kind of work I am having to do here in Towa is very different from what I've ever done before, but it is good practice for when we work on the Academy. Washing the roads, repairing the buildings, it's a lot of handiwork. The people who are here from the Foundation with me are very good at it though, they make up for my slack at this. Even some of the adults are helping out, despite their hesitance of trusting the Foundation. I take shifts, switching between taking care of the kids and the reconstruction of the city. Both are a lot, but they are two skills it can't hurt to practice at. One of the kids has been watching the coverage on the TV of Future Foundation, including some of the videos of me. He really seems to like watching it, and he always is asking me what it's like to be on TV, what it's like to be the face of hope. It's a little intimidating, a little boy looking up to me so much. When he isn't staring at the screen, he's clinging to my side, asking me all sorts of questions. If I had ever wondered what it was like for my parents to deal with me as a child, I don't need to now. He reminds me of myself, and yesterday he was crying at the door of the building the kids stay in when it was time for me to go work outside, asking me to stay. It was a little heart breaking, seeing a little kid cry about me like that. But I can't sway my schedule, so I had to leave. Eventually he was calmed, but today he was asking me if he could join me outside in working on the construction. He's adorable, and fun to spend time with. A light in Towa City among all the sadness that we have to face.

I still sent you some pictures for your office. And by "us" I meant you, me, Hina, Kyoko, Hiro, Toko, but I also sent some pictures of us with our classmates, just so you have some choices. Someday, I hope I can look at our classmates without feeling pain, and instead I can just smile, glad about the time we spent with them. But because of how things are, the lost memories, the deaths, I don't think that is in my future. Are you able to do that Byakuya? You are more reserved about things, so I wonder if we feel the same way about our class. I would like to hear your thoughts, if you are willing. And if you aren't going to put the pictures in your office, at least you could add some decoration to your room.

Ignoring your comment about these letters, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate. You don't sound very pleased with the aspect of arranging meetings with people abroad, but to me it sounds hopeful. I haven't even really considered what other countries in the world are facing, but I'm sure it's similar. With the united power of multiple countries, progress on restoring the world will go faster. And I am also hoping that Towa City can become a safe space for people who are amidst the chaos of despair.

Come on Togami, I genuinely wanted to know about what you're reading! I am expecting to hear about whatever novel you are reading in your next letter. I know my words won't influence you, but I feel better if I at least say it, please take some time to relax. Being the head of an entire division requires some time to yourself, without work.

Your Friend,

Makoto Naegi

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