6. chicken mom

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Y/N Pov.:

It's been a week since they bought the chicken and they are really in love with them. Even tho it looks like the chickens aren't in love with them. Right now Tom is making an instagram story for the fans.

"So with everything that's going on, the supermarkets are all empty. There no eggs, we had no eggs. We thought to solve that problem, we become the source of eggs. But now we're the owner of chickens. This is Pretador, over there is Chestnut and Ranger. Be free little man." he said and the chicken flew away.

I laughed at the terrace door. He stoped the video and laughed with me. "They love you." i said sarcastic.

"Oh shut up." he said and walked to me. Later that hour some other instagram story's were made with Harry showing the chickens and an story from Tom with Harrison and a chicken in his hands.

The boys went inside again and played some video games and Tuwain walked out to feat the chickens.

"Y/N ! Come here !" he screamed from the outside. I ran out because i thought something bad happened. But when i saw what happened i burst out into laughter.

"Ha ha, laugh at me." he said sarcastic.

"He shit on you." i laughed out.

"Whatever. You need to feed them." he said.

"I can't. I know nothing about them." i said.

"It's just feeding. The food is over there." he said and walked inside. I groaned and walked over to their food.

"Please don't bite me." i said and put the food in their cage. They didn't do anything to my that's why i put some food on my hand and stechend it out to them. One chicken, i don't know which it was because i'm bad with names, picked put of my hand. It was adorable. "Awww thanks man for not killing me."

I got back inside and looked for Tuwain. "Tuwain ?"

"Living room." he said back and i walked to him in the living room where all the boys were.

"Did you got the shit out of your shirt ?" i asked.

"I don't know. I just put it in water." he said.

"Shit ?" Tom asked.

"On your shirt ?" Harry asked.

"I always thought people shit in their pants, but no." Haz said.

"From the chicken, you idiots." i said. "What for water ?"

"I don't know." he said.

"You got shit on from a chicken ?" Haz laughed.

"Not you too." he groaned.

"I take a look at the shirt." i said and walked to the bathroom. The shirt wasn't even in hot water. So i did all the things to get out the shit spot on his shirt and then let it dry.

I walked back in the living room but found an empty couch. I looked around until i heard the boys laughing outside in the garden.

"Hey Y/N. We're just chilling with the chickens." Tom said and knocked next to him on the stairs. "A bear, madame ?"

"Not today, thank you." i said and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Oh T, i got the shit spot out of your shirt."

"Thanks, Y/N/N." he said.

"Let's teach them tricks and stunts." Harry said.

"Best idea you ever had, Harry." Haz said.

"I just waited for that moment." Tuwain said. They all got on one spot and watched tricks for chickens.

"You can go to them." i said to Tom.

"No, i like it here." he said and kissed my head. After probably 20 minutes decided with tricks they want to teach them.

"Start with the simple one. They just need to jump over it." Harry said.

"Go get the chickens while i get a stick." Haz said. Both boys walked over to the chicken cage and got out the chickens. "Here are 3 sticks."

They tried to make the chickens jump but they didn't. One chicken ran over to me and sat down on my lap.

"Hey, buddy. Don't shit on me." i said to him. "Who is that ?" i asked Tom.

"Chestnut." he said.

"He ate of my hands." i said proud.

"Y/N give us Chestnut back. He needs to try to jump over it." Harry said. I stood up and walked with Chestnut over to them.

"Here you go." i said and out him down to the ground again. Harry held the stick and Tuwain stood on the other side.

"Come on, big guy. Jump over it." T said. But nothing. "Maybe put the stick a little lower."

Harry put the stick a little lower but still nothing.

"Maybe you need to show them how to do it ?" i said.

"Great idea. Harrison jump over there." Harry said and pointed at the stick.

"No, you can jump over it." Haz said.

"I need to hold the stick." Harry said.

"Film this." i said to Tom without anyone to hear. He smiled and filmed everything.

"Fine, then you hold the stick and i jump over it." Harry said at the end. They switched positions and Harry got down in the crouch. "Okay little chicken, watch."

He got ready and jumped over the stick. We all bursted out into laughter. "You got this ?" i asked Tom.

"Everything." he said belfre he began laughing again.

"Mean." Harry said and and stood up again. "Now jump, chicken."

But it didn't jumped.

"Wait let me try it." i said.

"You want to jump over that ?" Haz asked.

"No, dumbass. Just give me the stick." i said and he gave it to me. I got over to the chicken food and put a little in my hand. I hold the stick in front of me.

"Come over." i said and the chicken slowly walked over. Then he did al little jump over the stick and i gave him the food.

"Yeah." T, Haz and Harry screamed.

"You didn't do it guys." Tom said.

"How did you do that ?" T asked.

"Well, i don't know why it jumped but after that you need to give them a reward.

"Y/N the chicken mom." Haz said.

"Why am i a chicken mom ?" i laughed.

"Well because kids do always what their mom tells them to do, and the chicken just did what you wanted him to do. That's why you are a chicken mom." Haz said.

"God help." i said and everyone laughed.

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