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"I'M OFFICIALLY DONE. JESUS CAN TAKE my soul - in fact, I offer it to him."

"What?" Lily asked with a raised eyebrow as she looked up from her Transfiguration homework.

Lily, Marlene and Cassie were sitting in the library trying to get their homework done before the weekend began - it was meant to be a really nice weekend and they wanted to spend it outside.

Marlene was an hour late to meet them and Cassie was almost certain that she was getting some.

Alice was somewhere with Frank and they were celebrating their third Anniversary. Cassie didn't think she'd ever seen someone look as cute in a summer dress as Alice had.

Both Lily and Marlene were doing their Transfiguration, which surprisingly, Cassie had already finished, and so the Slytherin was going over her Muggle studies question (Why do Muggles use electricity in their houses and why?) and adding points to her answer.

The sun was still heating up the Castle and its grounds despite the fact that it was slowly begging to set, casting an orange tint on the blue sky.

It was a complete contrast to the weather from a couple of days before, there wasn't a cloud insight and apart from the chatter of students then the whole world was still as could be.

"I mean, it's pretty fucked up so he may not want it. But it's on the table for grabs and I won't even make him pay." Cassie continued, resting her head in the palm of her right hand as her left continued to write.

"That's so generous of you Cassie!" Marlene exclaimed with fake enthusiasm leading to Madam Pince sending them a sharp look.

"I know. I'm a good samaritan like that." Cassie spoke again with her voice considerably quieter.

Marlene let out a half-hearted chuckle with a shake of her head and Lily sent a worried glance in Cassie's direction.

Both of them knew what was wrong.

Cassie and James were still to make up, despite their argument having been a few days ago.

James hadn't even sent a word in her direction and Cassie was hardly going to make the first move when she hadn't even done anything wrong.

All three of the girls had been fuming when Cassie had walked into their dorm with tears brimming in her eyes and her bottom lip quivering drastically.

They had been even angrier when Cassie burst into tears as she told them what had happened only moments before and how she was so confused on what she had done wrong.

They pushed their immediate anger to the side as they reassured her that she had done absolutely nothing wrong and that it was James entirely in the wrong.

Alice and Lily had to hold off Marlene when she saw James the next day.

It was obvious that Cassie was trying to act as if she wasn't affected by James not speaking to her, but it was clear as day to them that she was.

And as much as Cassie would've liked to deny it, she knew it was true too.

She hadn't gone less than a few hours without speaking to James since they had started dating, the only times she hadn't spoken to
him was when she was at Grimmauld place and that was only because she physically can't.

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