one hundred and one

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CASSIE LET OUT A FRUSTRATED SIGH as she turned over the piece of parchment she had just written on, expecting there to be more, but there wasn't.

"Of fucking course." She muttered while she ran a hand though her hair as she looked down at her half-finished homework with a small frown on her face.

The homework was for McGonagall, and she knew that she couldn't just say she didn't have any more parchment because she'd still get a detention and she'd only just had one the night before for trying to kidnap the mouse they were transforming.

Cassie let out another sigh as she looked towards the door of the dorm, before she turned back to her homework and closed her eyes for a moment as if there was going to be more parchment there when she opened her eyes.

There wasn't.

Cassie was in the boys dorm; Marlene was in their dorm and when she asked if it could be cleared that evening, Cassie didn't ask why. She knew that Alice was with Frank and Lily was doing rounds so she couldn't ask them for parchment anyways.

The Marauders were all off doing something, too, James had a detention with McGonagall as he and Cassie weren't allowed to have their together - McGonagall couldn't have handled that. She didn't know where Peter was and Sirius had followed Remus like a lost puppy to his rounds that evening.

Cassie rolled her eyes as she stared down at her homework, an unamused expression on her face.

The last thing Cassie wanted to do was go through the draws in the boys desk, for mainly one reason:

She didn't know what she'd find and to be honest, she was rather scared to find out.

Cassie closed her eyes again for a short moment, debating or not whether she should just get the detention.

She decided against it.

Cassie opened her eyes and bent down slightly so that she could look at the three draws on the lest side of the desk. The wood on all of them was scratched and indented with random words and letters - the word Marauders stood out engraved largely on the top one.

The handles were all worn down slightly and
they one black metal had turned a light grey over time.

Cassie's eyes scanned over all of the draws and she felt immense relief when she read that the last one said 'Parchment' on a label that seemed to be cello-taped onto it.

Why that was the only labelled draw she didn't know, but she was hardly complaining.

She opened the last drawer and pulled out the top piece or parchment that was resting in the draw.

Cassie picked up her quill after she'd placed the parchment on the table, only to knock over her ink - luckily it didn't spill all over the parchment.

"Fucking hell." Cassie muttered as she rested her head in her hands looking at the spilled ink with a small frown on her face.

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