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Ashley POV 

 As I was about to back out of Rebel's driveway, I see her car pulling up. I got out of the car. The car door opened and I froze. There came Raven out of the car. She was bloody and bruised. I ran over to her and caught her before she fell. 

"Raven what happened?!" I exclaimed.

"Alex. He, Rebel," she said.

She couldn't form a sentence without bursting into tears. I called 911 and then tried to call Andy. Of course, he didn't answer. He never answers. Wait, where is Rebel!?

"Raven, sweetie. I know it hurts but where is Rebel? Where is my daughter?" I asked.

Before she could say anything she passed out. Shit. I called her father.

"Ashley? Why are you calling me?" Chris asked.

I guess he still is salty about what went down between our daughters.

"He, we need to put our differences aside for right now," I said

"As if. Your daughter beat the shit out of my daughter. I will never forgive her for that," Chris's voice boomed through the phone.

"Listen hear asshole. My daughter probably just saved yours," I said gritting my teeth.

"What?" he asked.

"Yea. Your daughter got out of Rebel's car all bloody and bruised. She started saying something about Alex and Rebel then she passed out. I called an ambulance already.  So I need you to meet me up at the hospital," I said.

"I'll be right there," he said and hanged up.

The ambulance got there and took Raven. As I watched them zoom out of the driveway, I hurried up and got into my truck. I maneuvered around Rebel's car and headed to the studio where Andy was. He better has a valid fucking reason for not answering my calls. 

I made it to the studio and got out of my car. I didn't want to wait for the elevator so I quickly rushed up the stairs. By the time I got to the 7th floor, I was out of breath. I walked into the studio where Andy was at and saw him listening to music with his headphones in, what seems to look like he's writing music. WAit if he's listening to his music off his phone he should have heard my phone calls. With anger, I ripped his earphone out of his ear.

"Dude what the-Ashley?" he said.

'Why the fuck weren't you answering your phone?!" I yelled at him.

"I am busy writing music. I didn't want no distractions," he said.

"Look I get that. But at least answer my calls. You don't know if they are important or not. You said you were gonna have your phone on all day so I could contact you!" I yelled at him.

Andy threw his book down and stood up so he was towering over me.

"Maybe I wanted some fucking space from your clingy ass Ashley. Have you ever thought about that? You're on me 24/7. Maybe I wanted a fucking breather!" Andy yelled. 

I stood there shocked. Andy snapped out of it and realized what he said. His whole mood turned a 360.

"Shit. Ash, I didn't mean that I-" I cut him off.

"You want fucking space. Fine have it. We are done," I said.

"No Ashley plz," Andy begged.

"No Andy I am done. We have been fighting non-fucking-stop. you are barely home and I'm always dealing with Rebel. We are just too toxic for each other," I said.

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