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(This is a lot of switching POV)

Ashley POV

I drove to the studio and hopped out of my car. I didnt bother parking it right and quite frankly I dont care. I ran into the studio and went to Andy. I tried to open the door but it wasnt working budging.

Did Alex get to him already? Was I too late? I step backed and kicked the door open. The door busted open and he wasnt there. By now I was panicking. I didnt know where he would be. Maybe there is something at the house that could tell me where he went.

I ran out of the studio, jumped into his car, and went to my house.


I made it to the house. When I pulled in, his truck was parked out front. I turned off the car and ran into the house. When I got in the house I checked everywhere. He was nowhere. His truck is outside which means he should be here.

I went down the hallway and made my way to the music room. I opened the door and went in. Andy was sitting in the chair. I closed the door and he looked up. When he saw me he jumped to his feet and tried to explain something to me.

"Listen Ashes. I know you don't want to see me. I am so sorry that I snappedon you back there. I wasn't thinking and wi-" he stopped when I pulled him in for a hug.

I hugged him tightly and started crying a lot. I let everything out. All the stress, hurt, anger, and sadness. I balled like a damn baby. I felt Andy wrapped his hand around me and hugged me tighter. That caused me to cry even more. I honestly think when Andy hugs people they probably cry to.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Andy asked after awhile.

"Everything. Rebel has been kidnapped and I dont know what to do," I whispered.

"Back the fuck up. Rebel been kidnapped?" Andy said looking at me.

We sat down in the living room and I told him everything that has happened and what Raven said.

"Has anybody told the police this?" Andy asked.

"I dont know. After she said about him going to hurt you, I ran out of the hospital. Also, i broke down your studio door," i said.

"Why did you broke down the door?" Andy asked.

"I thought he had gotten to you alrady," I said looking down.

"Hey," he said putting his hand on my cheek.

I looked up at him.

"I'm right here. Its gonna take a lot more than a teenager to kill me. I lotrally had my ribs broken. I think I'll be ok," he said.

I smiled and nodded.

"There's that beautiful smile I was looking for. I thought it dissapeared," Andy said smiling.

I laughed and hugged him.

"I guess, I should call Chris and ask him if he told the police anything," I said.

"How about I do it. We dont want him to say the wrong thing and then you blow a fuse," Andy said taking my phone.

"That probably be best. I'm gonna lay down. I'm drained," I said getting up.

"I'll join you when I'm done," Andy said and pulled out his phone.

I just nodded. I went up the stairs and passed Rebels room. I stopped and stood in the doorway. It was still the same as she moved out. The bed was made, her old books were perched on her vanity.

I closed her door and went to my room. I took off my shoes and laid under the covers. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. How could I have let Rebel get kidnapped? Why didn't I protect her? She would've not been kidnapped if I was there. I looked at ceiling thinking about how bad of a father I was.


I drove in the driveway and put the car in parked. I got put of the car and I saw Robert outside. I ran up to him and explained everything.

"Wait. Did you just say Ghost?" Robert asked.

"Yes? Robert did something happened?" I asked.

"Ghost was just here 5 minutes ago," Robert said.

Ghost was here? That fucking bastard was here!? Robert looked at me.

"Sam are you ok?" He asked.

"Did he say anything? Like why he was here?"I asked.

"He just came by and asked if there was any news on Rebel. I told him, that it was confidential. I should've known something was up when he got mad and slammed his car door," Robert said.

"Its fine. Just have the them stay in the house until we get this figured out. No one goes in, no one goes out," I said.

"Yes sir," Robert said.

I nodded and went to the car. I left the house and headed to the record shop. He may be working today.

I pulled into the record shop. I put on a cap and sunglasses (a/n marvel style 😎🧢). I got out of the car and went inside the shop.  When I walked in there was a few people here and their.  I looked around and didnt see him anywhere. I walked up to the counter.

"What can i do for you today sir?" A old buff guy asked.

"Is Ryan working today?" I asked.

"Nope. But if you see that little shit, tell him that he is fired." The old man said.

"Yes sir," I said.

I walked out and got in the car. I threw the hat and sunglasses in the backseat and punched the steering wheel.  I turned on the car and headed to Alex's house.

(Skip car ride)

When I saw his house, it was marked off with police tape. I parked the car in the back of the house and went around. I made sure no cops were here before I went inside.

I looked once more and didnt see any. I opened the door and was surprised that it was unlock. I went inside and closed the door.

When I stepped in the place was a mess. There was glass shards everywhere, everything was on the ground and a table was broken.  I walked around trying to find anything that can help. There was nothing. I went up to his roo amd found nothing.

I was getting frustrated. I searched the house from the top and bottom and found nothing. I checked his basement just in case, and I found nothing in there also.

I gave up on Alex's house and went back to Rebels to see if I can find anything. I left the house and went to the spot outside on gravel that had blood on it. I crouched down and looked at it.

Something shiny caught my eye. I looked and it was Rebels necklace. More specifically it was the Fallen Angel necklace. I picked it up and looked at it.

Why would Rebel have this? She doesn't wear this? Does she? No, she would have no reason to.

I put the necklace in my pocket, stood up, and went to the car. I got in and drove off. I need to go to Rebels house. If I could find her necklace than this has to be one of Ghosts or Alex. If it is one of the their, then this whole situation has changed.

Ok, listen. Plzzsz don't kill. These past few months has been crazy for me and my school. Like we have gotten so many shooting threats it's not even funny. On top of that, one of the teachers got gired for sleeping with a student. 'Allegedly' anyway. There's a lot of controversy about it. But I swear I will put more out. Cross my heart.
See ya

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