Chapter. 24.

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Blade POV

"Blade, you are not making sense, " Becky said.

"I am telling you the truth. It was late at night. I heard something late last night. So I looked out the window and saw Rebel and Sam getting into her car," I said.

"Are you sure you weren't drunk?" Outlaw asked.

"Bros dont even start. I wasn't drunk," I said.

"Maybe you saw another person. Maybe she had another guy with her," Becky said.

"Seriously? Comeone. Have you guys noticed anything weird at all?" I asked.

"Well, last night I went to Rebel to ask her for help on my homework. She said she just got out of the shower but her hair was dried. Also, something fell in the bathroom and she said it was herphone. But her phone was on her dresser," Becky said.

"Even if Sam is alive. Why should we care? She gave a place for us to live, cooks for us, and also takes care of us. I think we should let her tell us on her own time," Outlaw said.

"Look who turned all sentimental now," I said.

"Guys," Becky said.

"Its not called sentimental. Its called being grateful. Something you don't know," Outlaw said.

"Guys, stop it. This ain't the time. If it is true, i dont think we should say anything. 'Cause if people found out, she might be in danger," Becky said.

"Your just saying this 'cause you've been watching to many crime shows. I think we should take this seriously," I said

"I-" Becky was cutoff by the doorbell.

Someone is here, but who? Rebel didnt mention that anyone was coming here.

We snuck upstairs and looked out the window. We looked out and it was our friends from school. Why would they be here? How do they know where we live?

"Did one of you call them?" I asked.

"I didn't," Becky said.

We all looked at Outlaw. He was typing fast on his phone.

"Outlaw, did yo call them?" I asked.

"No why would I?" he asked not looking away from his phone.

I sighed and took the phone away from him.

"Give me back my phone you bastard!" he yelled.

"Someone is getting mad over a phone. Who were you texting?" i asked going through his phone.

I looked at the most recent message. It was Stacy. Stacy is a fried from school. She was the one who introduced us to her friend group. I didn't like her at all, so I stayed my distance. But she was all over Outlaw and Becky hated that. You see, Becky has this huge crush o Outlaw to the point that she will litralley do anything for him. So you can imagine how she reacted when she saw Stacy all up on him.

(10 hours earlier)

I was writing a paper for English when Becky barged into my room, went to my bed and screamed into the pillow. 

"Are you ok?" I asked still writing. I am just waiting for her to rant. It should happen in 3, 2, 1.

"How dare he stay there and let her rub herself all over him? Does he have no common sense? Also, did you see that look she gave me? It was like she was telling me, 'hahaha i got him first before you' or 'he is mine now bitch'. Does she not know who she is messing with? She obvioulsy doesn't know that my great-grandpa is none other former MMA fighter Randy Couture. She also doesn't know that i have been through the worst training as a child," she said.

"Are you trying to convince her or yourself?" i asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

I sighed and put my pencil down. I turned around in my chair and looked at her.

"By you just saying all that its just boosting your ego. Why would she care that your great-grandpa was some former MMA fighter? Your just liker her when she said she is cousins with Tommy Lee by marriage. If this situation is bothering you this badly than you need to man up and tell him that you like him," i said.

"I've tried to tell him. I even hinted at him. This one time he did something really good and knowing me i said lets get married, you know that's how i express when i really like something. You know what he said? He said that that would be weird because he sees me as a sister. You know what i did after that? I cried in the bathroom," she said.

"You know what i would do? I would flirt someone within the friend group and see how he reacts. If he doesn't do nothing than he doesn't like you and you will have to try and move on. If he does do something then we know he likes you. Well, that i would just do. You don't have to follow my advice," i said picking my pencil up again and writing.

"Your the best Blade," she said and ran from my room.

I hope she actually chooses to confess her feelings. But, knowing Becky she'll pick the other.


"Aw i see. You wanted to see Stacy and you thought it would just be her. But, she brung all of her friends," i said.

I looked at Becky and she had a pained and jealous expression. Oh shit. I forgot. 

"So, what if i did?  You ain't my father," he said.

"Did you even have the audacity to ask Rebel?" i asked.

"Yes i did. She said its alright as long as we dont mess the house up," he said.

"Who's that guy out there with them? He wasn't in the group at school," Becky said.

We looked outside and my eyes widen. 

"Him? i know him. His name is Patrick," Outlaw said.

"Whatever. IF Rebel said its okay then i won't interfere. But keep the volume down to a minium. I have homework to do. Unlike some people," i said looking at them.

I went to my room and closed my door. I turned on some music and got out my computer. I wasn't really doing homework. All last night i have been writing this story. If they find out, i will never hear the end of it.  

About an hour in i had written three chapters. I am proud of myself. This causes for some ice cream. But i don't want to go downstairs. I'll wait till they leave. i was about to write another chapter when someone walked in.

"Becky didn't i tell you to stay out of my ro-" i stopped in mid sentance.

There stood in the doorway, the person who is making me second guess my sexuality. Patrick.

"I'm not Becky so does that mean i have to leave?" he smirked.

God please help me.

Hey guys i stayed up for three hours writing this. I have major writers blocks, thats what i would say but i have to tell the truth. I keep forgetting to update because ive been watching If your a weeb you know the term, "Just one more episode" yea. it turns into a season. On top of that i am also dealing with hate on instagram because i still support Ashley. I am sorry but i will never stop supporting ash. thats all. Bye.

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