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Rebel POV

When we pulled into the driveway I could hear music from the house. What are the kids doing?

"Maybe I should just stay here while you go to Florida," dad said out of the blue.

"No way in hell you are missing this trip," Andy said.

"Yea dad. I'll be alright. I know how to take care of myself. If something happens I'll call you," I said.

"I don't know," he said.

"Your going. End of discussion, " I said.

I gave them both a kiss on the cheek and got out of the car.

"Also, this is a great time for you guys to be together," with that being said I closed the door.

I walked in and I heard all kinds of music.

"What is going in?" I asked Robert who was sitting in the kitchen.

"I don't know. We came in and they all went to their rooms and blared music," he said.

"I don't know if I should worried or not?" I questioned.

"They're teenagers. I'm sure they are fine," Robert said.

"I guess," I said.

"So, what happened?" He asked.

"Not much. They kept me locked in an interrogation room and I think I got on their nerves. I played my music and started dancing. Before that I would tell them facts," i laughed.

Robert laughed.

"Anyways, then this interrogation person came in and started asking me questions about the case and where I was on the day his body went missing," I said.

"What was this one like?" He asked.

"Well, he I know he knows I'm innocent. Because I saw that he wrote innocent on their. He was kind of older and way more mature than the other one,' I said.

"Well, this investigator sounds more experienced than the last one. Now, jts almost 8 and I have to get back home. But I'll be back tomorrow, " he said.

"Ok," I said I gave him a hug and he left. I locked the door. I went to the kitchen and started supper.

It was just spaghetti. Usually I create a big meal, but i dont feel like it tonight.

As I was stirring the sauce i kept thinking, what is andy hiding from ashley? If he wasn't talking to Matt. Who was he talking to then.

I pulled out my phone and called the only one i know who can get information. Bryan Stars. (Btw I miss him.  Hate me if you want)


"Hey it's Rebel"

"Hey Rebel, what can I do for you?" He asked.

"Listen, I need you to find me some information on someone,"

"Ok, who is this someone?"


*dead silence*


"You mean Andy, Andy? As in Andy Biersack. As in the hardest person to get any information on?"


"Oh lord. What am I supposed to look for? Also doesn't your father know more about him than anyone?"

"No. Ok, Matt Good called me and told me that he hasn't talked nor changed out with andy since the interview. But he told my dad he was with Matt. I need you to find out who he's been meeting up with,"

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