A Wild Imagination

239 15 15

Prompt for May: Picnic

Peter - 10
Susan - 9
Edmund - 7
Lucy  - 4


"Mummy, Mummy!" A 4 year old Lucy said, as she  
ran into the kitchen one morning.

Helen smiled down at her daughter. "What is it darling?"

"Can we go on a picnic today?" She asked, her face beaming. "At the park."

"That's a lovely idea, Lucy." Helen said. "But I have lots of housework to do today, I don't think I'll have time to take you all."

"Why can't Peter take us? He knows how to get there!"

"He does, yes. But Peter is only 10 years old, he's not quite old enough to look after all of you at the park without a grown up."

"Oh...okay." Lucy said, looking down at the floor.

A sympathetic look appeared on Helen's face as she looked at her youngest daughter. Though an idea popped into her head a moment later. She smiled as she bent down so that she was face to face with Lucy.

Lucy looked up at her mother, her eyes wide.

"How about this." Helen said, taking Lucy's hands in hers. "At lunch time, you, Edmund, Susan and Peter can all go out to the backyard, and have your own picnic here at home."

Lucy's face lit up like the sun. "That sounds amazing!" She said excitedly.


Lucy quickly nodded.

"Wonderful." Helen said. "Why don't you go tell your siblings, and I will make a picnic basket for you in a few hours."

"Okay!" Lucy said happily, before skipping away and looking for her brothers and sister.


A few hours later, the 4 Pevensies walked out their back door. Peter carried a blanket, Susan carried the basket, Lucy carried her teddy bear, and Edmund just ran over to the large oak tree in the backyard, insisting that Peter put the blanket beneath it.

"Alright, alright." Peter said. "I'll put the blanket there, but why do you want it under the tree so badly?"

"I like trees." Edmund said. "Plus then I can climb it."

"Why do you like climbing trees Ed?" Lucy asked, as she sat down on the blanket.

"I like to see the what the world looks like from up high." Edmund said.

"What's it look like?" Lucy asked.

"Big." Edmund answered simply, as he sat down.

Lucy laughed.

"Okay, Let's see what mum packed us for lunch." Susan said, as she opened up the picnic basket.

"I'm starving!" Edmund said.

"You're always starving." Peter said, smirking at his brother.

"No I'm not!" Edmund said.

"Yes you are." Peter said, laughing.


Peter smiled a little as he inched closer to Edmund. "Yes...you...ARE!"

Edmund let out a gasp, the second the word "are" left Peter's mouth, he began tickling Edmund. "Hey!" Edmund shouted, as he tried to stop laughing.

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