Everything Was Right in the World

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  (Part 1 of the 3 part mini series
Forgiving Edmund)

Susan watched with wide eyes as Edmund entered the castle of the White Witch, the door slamming loudly behind him.

She immediately blamed Peter for his disappearance, but thinking back on it later she realized she had been wrong. In the moment she felt scared and worried about her brother, and she just needed someone to blame.

During the journey the five of them took to see Aslan, Susan couldn't help but wonder why Edmund did it. She tried to think about it logically, as she usually thought about things. But she eventually decided that logic had gone out the window, since she was in fact in wood in the back of a wardrobe, and traveling with talking beavers.

The more she thought about Edmund the more she wondered if he was okay. When Mr. Beaver said The Witch wanted to kill them she felt her heart skip a beat. Edmund was in there with someone who wanted him dead. She could only hope her little brother was alive, not lying dead in a prison cell or turned to stone. She prayed that he would be safe, and most importantly alive, when she saw him again.

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  Susan couldn't help but smile and let out a sigh of relief when she saw Edmund talking to Aslan. He was indeed alive. She had been so worried and was glad to see him alive with her own eyes.

  As he walked towards them she couldn't help but frown a little at his injuries.

His lip was cut and his face was bruised and beaten. He looked like he hadn't slept or eaten in days, which he probably hadn't. His clothes were worn and dirty and his hair was rather messy. Susan was not pleased to see her little brother in such a poor condition. But she was just happy that he was there, and alive.

  She smiled widely as Lucy, without hesitation, ran up to him and hugged him tightly. She let out a relieved laugh as Edmund smiled and hugged her back.

That is probably the first time he has smiled in days.
She thought.

Susan then walked over to Edmund and put her hand on his shoulder. He then pulled away from Lucy and hugged Susan tightly. She smiled as she hugged him, feeling incredibly relieved that she still had a baby brother to hug.

"Are you alright." Susan asked as she pulled away from Edmund.
"I'm a little tired." Was his reply.

  Susan only nodded but she thought that a little was extremely under exaggerated. She guessed he had hardly slept at all since he they arrived in Narnia.

   As Edmund entered his tent to 'get some sleep' as Peter had told him to do, Susan could only hope he would be able to sleep. He definitely needed it. She hoped when he woke up he would be refreshed, maybe change into some new clothes, and look a lot better.

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"That boy, will die! On the stone table. As is tradition." Jadis said.
Susans eyes went wide as Jadis said these words. She couldn't lose Edmund. She had already gone through the pain of not knowing if he was alive or not for days. She couldn't lose him.

Tears filled Susans eyes as she looked at Edmund. First, he looked down at the ground in shame, then he looked up at Peter. But Peter looked just as scared as Edmund was. Susan sighed sadly, the way she felt, she couldn't even imagine how Edmund felt.
She was now incredibly worried about his safety and his life.

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As the four of them sat in the grass, waiting on Jadis and Aslan to finish talking Susan was worried out of her mind for Edmund. She was hoping beyond all hope that Aslan would work something out with Jadis, and her little brother wouldn't die.

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