Random Promps Game - Part 6

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A/N: Angst edition!!!🔪🩸😂 remember these were written in 10 minutes so they're short and probably not the best 😂


It Should Have Been Me

"It should have been me."

"What do you mean dear one?" Aslan said, turning to face Edmund.

"It should have been me. I should have died on the stone table. Not you."

Aslan smiled at the young boy, with a grace and kindness in his eyes. "You are right dear one."

Edmund furrowed his eyebrows, he certainly didn't expect Aslan to say that.

"You deserved to die on the stone table. You made mistakes. Mistakes that should have cost you your life. You betrayed your family, you deserved to die. But you see Edmund, I love you. I love you enough to die for you, so that you wouldn't have to. Yes, you deserved death. But, because of my love for you, you were given grace, and mercy. Life. You know how important that is, you are the Just King."

Edmund stared at Aslan while he spoke, directly into his eyes. He could see the love Aslan had for him in his eyes. He knew every word he said was true, and he was so grateful for Aslan. For the love he had for him. "Thank you Aslan." Edmund said with a smile. "I don't deserve a love as great as yours."

"Dear one, that's exactly why you have received it."

Tears filled Edmund's eyes, and he hugged Aslan tightly. "I love you so much Aslan."

"I love you too beloved." Aslan said, sinking into Edmund's warm embrace and purring softly. "I love you more than you could ever imagine."


"Would anyone like some tea?" Tumnus asked, walking into the dinning room where the Kings & Queens were.

"I'd love some!" Edmund said.

Tumnus smiled and poured him a glass.

"What kind is it?" Edmund asked as he picked up the cup.

"I'm not sure. A young Lord gifted it to us."

Edmund nodded before thanking Tumnus and watching him go.

"Are you feeling any better Peter?" Lucy asked.

"Not really." Peter said with a shrug. "I've got a headache, stomachache, and I'm really weak. I may be getting the flu."

"I'm sorry." Lucy said sadly.

"I'm sure you'll be alright soon." Edmund said, taking a sip of his tea.

"I hope so." Peter said. "Because I have too many things to do to be sick.

Edmund chuckled slightly before he began coughing. He coughed so long and hard that it became difficult to breathe. He thought he felt his throat closing on him, and this scared him greatly. He seemed to hear his name, but it sounded so far away. Finally, breathing became too difficult, and his throat felt completely closed off. His eyes slipped shut, as darkness consumed him.

The other Pevensie children were by his side in seconds.

"Edmund!" Peter said, rolling his brother over.

"He's not breathing!" Susan said, seeing that his chest was still.

"His heart's not beating either." Lucy said.

"Wake up, Edmund!" Peter said, shaking his brother. But Edmund did nothing, and Peter noticed that was so pale he was almost gray.

"What happened?" Susan asked, tears streaming down her cheeks.

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