That's What Friends Are For

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June Prompt - Horse/Horses
(Yes I'm aware it's July but I didn't have time to do one in June so you get this now😂 and hopefully the actual prompt for July as well😂❤️)


"It's a beautiful day for a ride, isn't it Phillip?" Edmund said, as the two rode through the Western Woods.

"It is, indeed, Your Majesty." Phillip replied.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Edmund?" The boy laughed as he said this.

Phillip chuckled. "It's a symbol of respect."

"Well, we're friends, and friends call each other by their first names."

"Alright, alright. As you wish. Edmund."

"There!" Edmund said. "Now was that so hard?"

Phillip merely laughed.

Both of their heads snapped up a moment later when they heard a howl.

Edmund shivered at the memories the howl brought back. He knew there were still a few wolves left from Jadis' army, but he hadn't seen any since The Battle of Beruna. He definitely didn't want to, but he was afraid that was about to change.

Phillip immediately stopped walking, and Edmund drew his sword. "Don't make a sound." He whispered.

Phillip slowly nodded his head.

Edmund looked around, his heart pounding in his chest, and sure enough, a wolf stood in front of them a moment later, looking very angry.

"What do you want?" Edmund asked bravely, holding his sword out in front of him.

The wolf only growled, and it was then that Edmund realized this was a werewolf, and he couldn't talk. Edmund took a deep breath, trying to hide his fear. "Leave now, and we will let you go unharmed."

But the wolf only growled more, showing it's sharp teeth. And before either of them knew what had happened, it bit Phillip on the leg.

Phillip let out a loud cry and reared back at the sudden pain. Edmund had been holding onto his sword with both hands, so he ended up slipping off Phillip's back, his sword flying from his hand.

Edmund laid there for a moment, staring at the sky as he tried to get his breath back. That fall had completely knocked the air out of him.

Once he'd gotten his breath back, he sat up, taking a deep breath. He was just about to grab his sword when the wolf pounced on his chest.

His eyes were wide as he stared at the wolf, who was growling and showing his teeth. Edmund tried to knock the wolf off of him, but it was heavy, and he wasn't strong enough.

A second later, Edmund let out a cry, as the wolf ran its claws across his chest. He knew by the amount of pain it caused, that the scratches were deep, and already bleeding a lot.

Looking back up at the wolf, Edmund saw that it was just about to bite his neck. Edmund's eyes immediately widened, if the wolf bit him hard enough, a neck bite would easily kill him. But, he had no strength to try and fight back, his chest was already burning. So he squeezed his eyes shut, preparing for the final blow.

But it never came.

Instead, Edmund heard a thud, followed by a loud yelp. He hesitantly opened his eyes, only to see that the wolf was no longer on top of him, but on the ground a short distance away. Phillip was standing above the werewolf, and it looked up at him fearfully. But after a moment he jumped up, running into the woods as fast as he could.

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