You Don't Have to Face the World Alone

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"Peter wake up." Edmund said to his brother as he tied his tie on his school uniform.
Peter groaned as he opened his eyes.
"What time is it?" Peter asked as he sat up.
"Ten minutes until breakfast." Edmund replied. "Pete, are you feeling alright?" Edmund asked.
"Yeah, Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well it's just, normally you wake up way before me, like an hour before we have to leave."
Peter sighed. "Trust me Ed, I'm fine."
He said as he stood up. But as soon as he did, he grabbed his head and would have fallen over if Edmund hadn't of quickly caught him.
"Peter!" Edmund cried. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah. I just got a little dizzy. That's all."
"But Peter-"
"I'm fine Ed. Really."
Edmund sighed, but didn't seem convinced at all.
Edmund sat on his bed, sitting his school bag next to him.
"Ed if your ready you can go to breakfast and I can meet you there." Peter said.
"It's fine. I'll wait." Edmund said as he opened a book.
"Alright." Peter said with a sigh.

"Ready?" Edmund asked as he closed his book.
"Yup." Peter replied as he grabbed his bag and headed for the door.
"Let's go then." Edmund said, following his brother.


Edmund looked at his brother, a questionable look on his face as they sat having breakfast. Rather as Edmund sat having breakfast. Peter just stirred his eggs around in his bowl, looking at them as if they were a disease.
"Peter you need to eat something!" Edmund said.
Peter sighed. "I'm not hungry."
"At least eat a few bites."
"Fine." Peter breathed.
He then picked up an apple,  and took one bite too small for even a mouse.
"There." Peter said. "Happy?"
Edmund sighed as he watched his brother walk away. Only to watch him grab a napkin, spit the bite into it, and throw it away.

Edmund sighed. This was very unlike Peter. He always ate breakfast, going on about how it was the most important meal of the day. He knew something was wrong, he could feel it.

So he quickly jumped up from his seat and ran after Peter.
"Pete!" Edmund shouted as he ran up behind his brother, Peter turning around to face him.
"Are you sure everything is alright?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.
Peter sighed.  "Ed, I said I'm-"

But just then his eyes closed as he began falling backwards. Edmund gasped as he dove to catch his brother before he hit the ground. Edmund slowly and carefully lowered his brother to the ground.
"Pete!" He cried, shaking his brothers shoulders. "Peter wake up!" But Peter didn't move. Edmund watched as he got paler by the minute. He then felt his
forehead, only to find it burning up.
"Oh my gosh!" He said shocked at his temperature. "He needs help, now!"
Edmund then lifter Peter off the ground and into his arms, as he ran as fast as he could to the infirmary.

"My brother needs help!" Edmund said as he walked into the infirmary.
"Lay him here!" The nurse said pointing to the closest bed, as she helped Edmund lay Peter down.
"What happened?"
"He just passed out, I brought him straight here."
"Has he complained of any headaches or dizziness?"
"No, but he hasn't looked well all morning. He almost fell over when he got out of bed though, I had to catch him. Oh and he refused to eat anything."

"Okay." The nurse said as she began taking his blood pressure.
"It doesn't sound too serious, but I'm going to run some tests and call the Doctor just to be sure."

Edmund nodded, looking at his brother with tears in his eyes.

The nurse sighed and looked at him sadly.
"Look, Edmund right?" Edmund nodded.
"I promise you I am going to take great cate of your brother. His name is Peter right?"
"Yeah. You know us pretty well huh?"
She smiled at him. "I do. I know you all and I care about you all. I will get him in a gown, run some tests, and the Doctor will examine him. And the second he is done I will come get you. You have my word."
Edmund sighed. "Okay." He finally agreed.

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