Carrick Grey Attorney At Law

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I am put to work right away and I am making a nice amount and I am told that my attire is fine for the work I am doing and I am told my hours will be the same for now and I have benefits and life insurance. I walk to my place and try to figure out how to get back and forth to work. I was given a parking pass, but I don't have a car or a drivers license  yet. So I need to see about that and a learners permit. I see a cafe and stop and get something to eat. I take it to go and head out and finally make it to my room. I eat and drink and shower and brush my teeth.  I read my book and set my alarm. I will get a bus schedule soon. I need to get an idea how to make my way around Seattle. Right now I am renting a room from the aunt of Fred Williams the bus driver from the final leg of my trip. He drove me straight there and I hope it works out. I am a good cook and offered to cook supper and breakfast for us both for use of her kitchen. I need a ride to the grocery until I get a car and my license. Sarah Williams is very nice so far. I ask her where the the laundromat is located and maybe a good inexpensive dry cleaners is close by. I bought another couple of outfits and sundries on my way back to her home. I told her about getting a job and was hired very quickly.
I have a family dinner tonight updating dad and working on a few things regarding a couple of companies I am taking over and hiring more legal and financial help. I have to hire a new HR person soon and I am looking to buy some land soon and Elliott knows the real estate values at this stage. I was going to drop by and talk to dad today, but he said he was hiring and the applicants were the typical ones that try to get their foot in the door so they could marry a Grey.
I have to say Grace you made a great choice of the young lady today. She is a hard worker and the genuine article. She is definitely from an Amish family. She has a lot of initiative and asked for more work when she ran out of work. I saw her walking down the street when I left work.
I think I heard she just arrived from Pennsylvania this am and she has a room and a bank account and now a job. She is definitely someone who doesn't allow the grass to grow under her feet. Plus those other girls were just hunting a husband and anyone's husband would do as long as he was wealthy.
Ahh baby you know they can't hold a candle next to you. I hug and kiss her as Mia runs in the door looking for us.
Ewww yucky can you two do that elsewhere? I have an internship at a new restaurant and it starts over the weekend.
We can leave, but tell us about this internship?
Is dinner ready yet mom?
Not yet Christian is trying to close a big deal and he will be here soon. Mia has an internship at a restaurant are you proud of her?
Which one so I can avoid it at all costs.
Hey, you loved the last meal I burnt you.
Ahh you are all here, dad do we have time to talk about something?
We can if it doesn't take long.
Two underdressed women showed up in the lobby and said that you had insisted they come to GEH and apply for a job working for me. I called and Silvia said they were FOS. I just wanted to give you their names just in case they try it again.
Oh Lord my secretary said she had some women looking like street walkers try to get an interview with me. She was alerted to their presence when half the men were wolf whistling at them. She had to go remind the men that they were in violation of sexual harassment laws if they kept it up. Luckily they were all off the clock and off the property. They told her that you said I would hire them. She took their resumes and interviewed them and said she would be in touch. I told her after seeing the cctv footage to throw away their applications and resume she had already taken care of it after talking to Silvia. She told me mom saw the clerk candidates and she chose a very young modestly attired young lady with no office experience.
Grace made a great choice the girl is a great worker. Her outfit was definitely modest. Just the kind of young lady we need working there.
She is very pretty, but she's also not looking for a husband. Something about f she was looking for a husband she had plenty of suitors who wanted to marry her back home, she just wanted more out of life than being a broodmare.
Wow that's pretty a rough comment.
She's Amish, it's typical for the woman to have children and plenty of them. I might be wrong, since I really have no idea about their traditions. I might look into it since she will be working for your fathers firm.
Let's go talk about what I need and how to get it and who to hire.
Mom that's our cue to go check on the supper I believe.
Let's go see if Theresa and Gretchen have supper completed yet? So Christian put you on as an intern at his restaurant?
Yes, no one would hire me. He made sure they knew I would get no special treatment, but I also would be given the same chance as any other intern.
Just do a great job like we know you can and we will be proud of you.
Thanks mom.

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