A Wonderful Weekend Ends Well

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I invite Anastasia to come to lunch or dinner soon without Christian of course. I see him hesitate and then she looks and says she would love to. She shouldn't look to him to say it's okay, it is her choice and she did as I hoped and said yes pretty quickly. Grace and Carrick told me about what they knew of Anastasia and her background. I don't want to go by backgrounds, because they don't take into the fact people change for the better or for the worse and that's why I want to meet with her on neutral grounds. I am sure she will be nervous, but that just means she cares what Christians family thinks of her. Grace wants to join us and that's a good idea as well. Mia invited herself, which she wants a friend she can trust and she and Anastasia have been chatting up a storm this weekend while the men talked business. Elliott was supposed to talk to them about his new project and everything went haywire. But he is coming back without Kate.
I tell Kate to think about what she was complicit in this Friday and before now. Each time she wanted Mia and Ethan to join us at her and Ethans insistence. She finally told me everything and I told her that we needed some time apart and maybe even end things. We needed the space, I did at least to forgive her for manipulating us all. I made it back for lunch on Sunday and we were able to talk about my projects and make plans to figure the costs and if I would need investors or not. I need advice from the three of them, because these projects can make me or break me. So I need to get good advice all along the way and they are it.
We all look everything over and the money is going to be tight, but we can see what we can do about getting a discount because of the sizes of the orders can help. He has property in hand, but needs to get everything document and assessments then the approvals for each part of the jobs. Grandpa knows someone who can help him with filling out all the papers to start his projects, but it will cost him. Grandpa is the person who can do it. So now we need to check out everything and help guide him along. I offered him the money to get the ball rolling, but he apparently has been saving his pennies and sold four prime places for a nice profit to get this off the ground.
Gentlemen I am done here and going to get my woman and enjoy a romantic dinner with her, I suggest those who have ladies do the same. Elliott take Kate someplace to talk further, you care about her. Just tell her Ethan is never to be her priority again. He used her locality against her. Forgive, but don't forget about how he used her and Mia.
I am head3d to get my wife and we are going home alone. Bye everyone.
Carrick is headed towards me with that look in his eyes and we head to our car, I know that look. Adult alone time for us finally. Mom says well it's time we all left as dad takes her arm and leads her to their car. I see Elliott heading to his truck and Anastasia being shuffled along with security to their car. They are a cute couple, the height difference reminds me of dad and moms heights. I have learned a lot about Anastasia and she has learned about us and Christian. Lunch with her, Mia and mom should be fun.
I have found out more today than necessary, but it was funny. We had a good time when all the Kavanagh clan left. The tension was thick. Ethan put Grace on the spot when he asked her to help get him into an internship at the hospital she worked at. Kate didn't seem surprised that he asked, so Elliott caught on and so did Mia. Kate is not someone I would be friends with, but her brother no doubt used her in this situation. Maddie clearly doesn't like the Kavanagh family, well mostly Eamon and now Ethan. She thinks Enid needs to get out since the kids are grown up.
I have all our bags ready so we can leave for home before dinner and have some alone time at my apartment before she has to go home. I could try to get her to stay, but I think she's not ready yet. We had a nice time once the Kavanagh clan left. Everyone loved her and she held her own with grandma, so much so she asked Anastasia for lunch and dinner. She never does that ever. She didn't like my fiancé Marian Sheffield, was all nice until she got that engagement ring and it was like Jekyll and Hyde. She just kept treating people badly and the last straw was my family and my grandmother you don't cross. She made the huge mistake of disrespecting her several times and it was posted on the internet. She had no idea my tiny grandmother was internet savvy. After seeing how much Marian loved being in the public eye she decided to set up alerts and boy did she get mad at me and Marian. After I saw the numerous postings and what she was saying about everything my grandmother told me to dump the gold digging socialite. I had Barney upload everything regarding her comments about marrying me for my billions to her insulting my family and then the final blow was grandmother making a two hour drive to show me what her PI found on my so called fiancé. I broke up with her and told her if she tried to sue for breech of promise the photos would be released of her cheating on me with one of her coworkers. We had her dead to rights. My grandmother protects us all. 

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