A Year Later

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I get home and go check on Sarah, Fred and Sarah finally told me how ill Sarah is and we now have a nurse here 24/7. I haven't seen hide nor hair of her two children. Fred visits more often now, he has informed his job of his aunt Sarah's health and he might be changing to the depot until she passes away. I make sure we have food, clean clothing, and the bills are paid automatically, so we are good. I got my drivers license and I am driving Sarah's cars, she wanted to buy me a new one, but I refused it. I am taking on line courses sponsored by Grey Law firm. I balance everything and pretty much my heart is breaking as I watch Sarah dying right before my eyes. I keep myself busy so I won't cry at the loss of my friend. Fred is now working at the depot and he spends time with us out on her patio looking at the beautiful sky.
Anastasia has no idea she is going to inherit everything and she works herself to exhaustion to get her degree and take care of the household. She cooks, cleans, shops, runs errands, I have been showing her the bills lately and what money needs transferred into what accounts. She will need to open an account to pay these bills soon, Carrick recommended we start the process of transferring all cash assets of Sarah's into a joint account with Anastasia as the owner of the accounts, Carrick has Sarah's power of attorney. But he has came and asked the nurse to leave so he can talk to his client alone. They have planned to close Sarah's accounts and have all new deposits go into the joint accounts with Anastasia and my accounts. She has been opening all the bills and taking care of everything. She just has Sarah sign the checks for the bills. The nurse tries to see what is going on, but I ask her to leave before we start working on anything. Anastasia asks again where Sarah's kids are and why aren't they here for her?
Fred explained about Sarah's children and all they want is money from Sarah. They borrowed money and haven't paid a dime back and when she refused to loan them any more they haven't seem them in over ten years. I think that is so sad. Fred said she didn't deserve kids like she got. I agree with him, shes such a good person. I help get her cleaned up and ready for the day and cook her breakfast along with the nurses meal as well. We have a routine everyday. She is getting weaker and weaker. When Fred and I started concentrating on my learning to pay the bills then we went and opened a joint account with me as the owner of the account. Then we had Sarah's regular deposits going into the account I got concerned. Then a huge check was deposited into the account I had to ask about it. That was after Carrick came by and had a private meeting with Sarah. They finally came clean with me about what is happening and I try to talk Sarah pit of leaving everything to me, but she said she will haunt me if I give anything to her ungrateful children. She said Fred won't let me either. She showed me how much money they owe her and when she wouldn't loan them any more that stopped calling or coming by. That was now eleven years ago.
I knew she wouldn't want to take the estate and money, but she decided to accept my decision and won't allow them to have the estate or the money. So we start emptying everything and closing all my accounts and have my accountants transfer everything into her and Fred's names. Carrick has had them come to the house for all of this. I have all my safe deposit boxes emptied and Anastasia and Fred open one large one for everything to be put inside.
Six months later Fred and Anastasia are the only faces I see as I leave this world.
I make the call for the coroners to come pronounce my aunt dead. We wait and Anastasia and I sit and we ask the nurse to make sure the coroner is walloped inside the house. Anastasia is holding my aunts hand and telling her she will miss her so very much.
I am so tired, we sat by Sarah until she took her final breath. She is finally at peace. Again her children haven't came even now. I now know I will never give them a dime of her estate. Once I get it I will make sure I do good with it. Sarah and Fred have insisted that I use it for school and what I needed.
The nurse leads the coroner into the room and he examines Sarah and pronounces her dead and they come inside and Fred tells them what to do while I go clean up the kitchen and head to the laundry room.
I will have someone pick up all the medical equipment and all the medicines are gone and they will be destroyed.  Carrick has been advised of her death we will be getting her cremated and you will be there at the funeral. The will be read in a couple of weeks and Carrick said to be ready for a huge fight.
Sarah told me early on that she thought they would fight against her will and her wishes and I know now why they will be fighting and it will be a losing battle. The next nurse arrives and she has noticed all the movement in the pace and then she sees Sarah being taken out in a body bag. They have all her equipment with them as they walk behind the gurney to the waiting vehicle.

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