Christy Adams

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I am at the rehearsal dinner early and awaiting Christian to arrive. I watch as he arrives with his security team to have the place checked out. I walk over and pinch his ass, I am suddenly pulled off him. His security have me in a hold.
You have an option you can keep your hands off me or you can explain to my wife why you are being arrested for assault. She was worried you would try something like this so she told me and we set you up. I am very happily married and she has told you that as well. If you touch me again you will face charges. Now this is my sisters wedding and you are her friend. Unless you are just her friend to get to me, then you can stop talking to her after the wedding. You are to be here for Mia, so be here for her. My security will be keeping you away from me at all times.
I recorded it just to show the police if she continues her sexual assault.
I just pinched his butt that's all.
That's considered sexual assault in any court and you will be branded a sex offender the rest of your life. You see you pinched him on his butt in an attack mode and it's is clear he wanted none of it.
What's going on here?
Want to tell her what you did or should I show her and let her call your mother herself?
I will keep away from Christian, please don't tell my mom she will cut my trust fund off.
Hmm maybe she should anyway, sounds like you grabbed Christian yet again after he has been nice and dropped the charges the last time. I look at the video and I am mad as hell. Keep your hands off him you little tart. Now let's get through this rehearsal and the wedding and you, Mia, Christian, Anastasia and your mother will have a long talk about that video.
I have to get that video deleted.
I sent it to everyone, so you can't deny it or delete it. Come Christian let's go check for bruising. I will take a photo of the bruise.
I laugh and let Anastasia lead the way, she takes a photo of what will be a bruise later. She got a grip on my butt for sure. I have her send that directly to my private email.
I watch as Christy is watching Christian and Anastasia. She's already done something, mom says to let her handle it for now. To enjoy my rehearsal dinner and then my wedding tomorrow.
Ann Adams and her husband Stan will be her at the wedding and we can take care of it tomorrow. I have the video and a picture of where Christy left a nice mark on Christian after grabbing squeezing and the pinching it.
Christian asks me to get a restraining order against Christy Adams and showed me why. I could have done without the photo of the butt. Although she definitely had a hold on him even after his security grabbed her off him. Anastasia recorded all of it. Apparently she sensed that Christy was up to something and set her up to see if she was right and Christian went along to catch her in the act.
Cheryl is with me at the rehearsal dinner, she is a nice person and she chats freely with everyone. We have just started dating and I am trying, but I think we might end up as good friends, but not much more than that at this point. Anastasia I can tell knows that we are just friends and says nothing at all.
I can tell Elliott hasn't gotten over Kate Kavanagh and now is Kate Alexander. I know how that feels I haven't gotten over my ex yet. I moved to Seattle just to get away from everything that reminded me of him. But that hasn't worked. I decided to enjoy myself anyway and Elliott and I can be friends and have some fun going places together. I watch as Christy is blatantly staring at Christian, Anastasia is glaring at her. Christian is ignoring Christy completely. We finally get through the rehearsal dinner and head home. Elliott gives me a kiss on the cheek goodnight and we part ways. He tells me he will pick me up for the wedding early so he will be there for the preparations.
I kiss Cheryl on her cheek and tell her I have tp pick her up early for the wedding, because I have to be there for the preparations for the wedding. I head home and I feel very lonely again. I think I need to see someone and find out why I can't get over Kate. She sure moved on from me and quickly.
The wedding
I watch as Mia marries that nice young man she met because of Anastasia. Fred is going to be so good to Mia. He reminds me of Theodore. I watch as Elliott waits for Mia to come down the aisle, he brought a date, but they are just friends. I decide to introduce him to one of Mias other friends Quinn Ellsworth. So when the ceremony is over and the dancing begins I introduce Quinn to Elliott. He seems to be happier. I get Quinn's brother who is a twin of Quinn's and have him dance with Cheryl. Andrew Ellsworth doesn't want to dance at first then after he sees Cheryl he changes his mind.
You can't help yourself can you? Have to matchmake and where better than at a wedding. We laugh and watch all the young couples enjoying themselves. Dad is very quiet today. Mom says he needs to lay down soon. We ask if he can lay down in one of the guest rooms and Mia leads us to one she already set up for that reason. Mom lays down beside him. Mom isn't telling me something I can tell. Christy has been kept away from Christian, but I talk to her parents and show them the video and the marks she left on Christian that pretty much upset them and they take Christy home with them.

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