Ethan Has Left

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Ethan has been a huge pain and started a fight about talking to my mother about the internship. I told him I wouldn't ever ask her to use her position to get an unfair advantage for anyone. He asked me what good am I, if I can't help him get where he wants to be. I told him to leave if that's all he wanted from me. He packed up and got a ride with one of the servers he was giving the eye. I laughed as they left arm 8n arm together. Good riddance to bad rubbish. The next morning Kate asked what happened and I told her that Ethan was just using me to get to mom about an internship. She didn't seemed surprised he would use anyone. That made Elliott mad at Kate for not telling us what he was up to, to begin with. Her and Elliott left early as well. Now I am here and I want to be with Jeff Morgan. We met in culinary courses and he has a nice restaurant he just opened up. I am working for Christian in his restaurant as a beginner. I do the basics and have to work my way up like everyone else does. Mom and dad told him no coddling me when it comes to working for him.
When I found out that Kate might have known that Ethan was just using Mia to advance his career. I was pretty mad and we barely made it for brunch. I t9ld Kate we were leaving and right after brunch. I explained to mom and dad that something came up and we had to leave right away. Kate was livid, but so was I. After all she knew and allowed it to get this far and she also knew he was just dating Mia to use her and use my mom and whatever else he was attempting. His phone was ringing off the hook and grandma told him to either leave or Tuen the phone off. He finally turned it off. But that was enough for Mia to ask him to leave as they headed to their rooms. She had security help him pack. He caught a ride with one of the servers. Nothing she cling there, she kept coming over to the table and he was getting most of her attention.
I was too tired to really know that Ethan had left. But the next morning I got an earful from Elliott and I admitted that Ethan was trying to get into the internship program and he wanted to meet his mother and ask her to put a good word in for him. He also asked if he has been using Mia all along after what he saw and heard about him he thinks he was just using her and I was helping him do it. We argued and finally he just told me that we were leaving right after brunch And he had to think about whether or not we should date any longer after allowing Ethan to use Mia and encouraging her to date him. So now because of my loyalty to my stupid brother I am losing Elliott. We head back and he is not talking at all. I don't know how to save this and I really want to.
Elliott and Kate have had a huge fight an I suspect it has something to do with Mia and Ethan and her having security escort him off the premises, he didn't go alone though, one of the servers who were very attentive to his needs at dinner drove him home. I think she really cares for Elliott, but she was too loyal to Ethan and it bit her in the butt. Elliott has high expectations of people and especially ones he wants to keep around him. So when he told us he was taking Kate home, we knew they had been fighting over Ethan and everything that had happened. Mom told me it was for the best and if they were going to get together in the end this needed to be aired out. Them leaving was for the best. Mia stayed though just because she wanted time with us and to find out more about Anastasia.
I have no idea what was going on, but I thought Ethan Kavanagh was rather brazen in asking for Grace to help him get into the internship program at the hospital she works at. She said no and offered no explanation at all. She shouldn't have to. From what Mia was told later is that they do it by abilities and not nepotism. You have high criteria to meet and she wants only the best interns as do all the other doctors that work there do. They never hire on who knows who, because that is dangerous. He isn't the first she has told no no won't be the last she tells no to. I have to say that is the only way to do it. Unfortunately he used Mia to try to get her to change her mind and Mia told him to leave after a heated conversation with him.
I would like to kick Ethans butt, but he's not worth my time or trouble and he left with the server who was paying a lot of attention to him and his phone just kept n ringing. Grandma told him to either turn it off or leave. Mia told me later that she was going to dump him anyway after he asked for help with the internship that clinched it. She was sued to his checking out females and it got annoying, but she has a guy who treats her better in the wings. She explained that Kate had begged her to let him come because he was so lonely. She finally got sick of him and had security help him to leave and it didn't surprise her that the server gave him. Ride home and most likely another kind of ride lol not something you want to hear from your baby sister.
I stayed and had fun with my family and we got to know Anastasia a lot better and I think the whole family really likes her and Christian is really falling once again. A few of the servers gave Christian their numbers, but he gave them back and told them he would never call someone so rude as to hand them their numbers in front of his girlfriend. Of course they turned beet red and Anastasia gave him a big kiss. He held closely to him as he said that to each of them. He got a few very nice kisses from Anastasia and hoots from the table. All in all I think it's a good match so far.

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