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I am ready and we are going someplace nice and quiet, he is flying us in a helicopter from his buildings roof. Security will meet us where we are headed and he won't tell me where we are headed. We finally land and a car is waiting for us. We are headed to a secluded spot and there are a lot of cars here.
This is my grandparents place we are staying tonight until Sunday you have clothing already packed and in the car. I wanted you to meet them and this is a good time to meet them. We are sleeping in separate rooms I hope that puts your mind at ease.
I am nervous about meeting your grandparents and being around all your family for a weekend. They might not like me. They really didn't get to know me at their party. But glad that you told me about the separate rooms. We haven't dated very long to think about sleeping in one room together.
I just want to spend time together and have you get to know my family and go from there for now. Are you okay with that?
Yes I am okay with that. You could have just told me all of that and I would have come anyway. Plus I would have packed more modest clothing.
Believe me you will have what you need. I have bought things that you will like. They are already in your room with your luggage. I lead her to meet my grandparents at dinner.
Madison Trevelyan
I look up as Christian is leading a petite young lady towards us and smile, because he only introduces young ladies he is serious about. This is only the second one, we really didn't like the last one. Theodore said she had gold digger written all over her and kept it well hidden from the family until she got the engagement ring. Then the claws came out. He broke up with her finally. She became a fixture on the front pages and was lording her being his fiancé over people. I mean he might use his status on occasion, but she was terrorizing everyone. It was like a female Godzilla. I was so glad when he had her come to his office and broke off the engagement. He allowed her to break up with him in front of the paparazzi. But most knew the truth about it anyway. Christian hates being 8n the spotlight. Now she is using her skills in the media.
Theodore Trevelyan
Carrick and Grace have been worried about this new girlfriend, but slowly have decided to sit and wait it out. While they are concerned about Christian I hope they watch the others choices as well. Elliott and Mia are dating some real doozies. Now it is a brother and sister. The Kavanagh kids. All I can say is that they must have had to sign Christians NDAs to be here now. I don't like their father, the mother seems like a doormat to his bad behavior. Maddie has commented on his behavior and I know better than ever treat someone I love in the way he does his wife and know kids. Eamon has a bad reputation. Maddie is not one to hold someone's parents bad behavior against them, but she isn't likely to fully accept you until you prove yourself worthy. She pulls no punches and will not hold her tongue.
I introduce Anastasia to my Grandparents and she looks like a dear in the headlights as my grandmother asks if she's having sex with me yet?
I have never had anyone ask me that question and I just said no ma'am I am not having sex at all much less with your grandson. I feel my face heat up and want to find a hole to climb into. I have thought about sex with him, and no one else has made me feel like he does. She laughs and has me sit by her.
Come sit by us, I like your answer and the fact you turned beet red at the inappropriate question. The last girl told me it was none of my business, which meant they were having sex alright. But she wasn't enthusiastic about it, or she would have had a different reaction. I think she just wanted him for his bank account and never really loved him. Love makes great sex even better. She was just a phone in type of partner. I am sure he would have gotten more noise from a hooker during sex. We were in the room next to his when he brought her along.
Grandma can we not stay on my sexual adventures please?
I am here to save you. Mom let's not scare her away okay. I sit by Christian and Carrick joins us to get the table going in a more appropriate conversation.
I am just her sidekick here, I listen and watch and she was right about the last girl though.
Anastasia works for my firm Maddie and she's been doing great. Grace hired her, she went looking for a place to live, a and job on her first day in Seattle. We hired her, grace liked her and her modest attire over the other applicants. It turned out to be a good hire and now she's dating Christian. She met him at our anniversary party. Grace had me invite her.
So you never went there knowing Carrick Grey was Christian Grey's father?
I didn't know that until they introduced me to him. I only read the papers to look for my job, and front page or social news doesn't have anything to do with me that I know of, so I don't read it. I know my photo was taken and I wasn't happy about it. A co worker tried to get me fired over it. So it caused me a lot of trouble at work from co workers.
I am so sorry about that, I heard there were some issues about an inheritance and spies. What I heard things about what happened. When people are arrested it makes the news if it involves our families. Let's eat something now that Mia and Elliott have arrived with the gruesome twosome.
Mom be nice, please.
I have been nervous about meeting Elliotts family finally and Ethan is here with Mia, which helps, but he isn't serious about Mia like I am about Elliott. He is hoping to get an internship where Grace Grey can pull some strings and get me on as an intern. Then he won't have to deal with Mia according to him. I have tried to give Mia a heads up, but she's a little too caught up in the Ethan whirlpool to hear or see him for who he really is.

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