Delayed Paternity Tests

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Marian has refused to get the paternity test by doing an amniocentesis, so we have to wait until the baby is born to get the test. Taylor and I have hired the PI grandmother hired to continue everything. We have two men that could be the possible fathers. The time frame puts them as extremely possible, but I am still not out of the running. I have been to see my doctor and was clean of all stds, but aids is something I have to retest again for. Sadly you should not have to worry about this if you are engaged to someone. Apparently even married people have to hope their mates are faithful or at least practice safe sex. Well we have to wait three months or so to find out who the father is. She still holds firm I am the father and is lying about who else might be the father. But now we have an indication of who her real father is. Eamon Kavanagh I decided we can find out another way, while she was at a beauty salon one f my coverts got some of her DNA. We decided to also get some DNA with the help of Elliott, he can get some DNA from Kate Kavanagh when he sees her next time. She definitely is trying to get Elliott to settle down.
I think we made it clear to Marian we are on to her and I will make a great step mother to her child. Grace slipped me Madison's 9ld engagement ring to put on before we went into the conference room. I slipped on and it fit perfectly. Marian tried to use her baby like a bargaining chip. She said if I was as kind hearted as everyone says I am I would step aside and allow her and Christian get married and raise their child together. Carrick pulls out the box he has and written on it is Marian Sheffield surveillance videos, photos, reports and names of potential fathers. Carrick loads the usb and plays her the beginning and up to when her and her men are hot and heavy in her apartment and then her bedroom. He advances to a new lover and another and so on. She argues the times and dates and he shows her more proof of exact dates and times. She turns red and tries to grab the usb, he just hands it to her and says that's not the only copy.
I wanted to be here in support of Carrick and Anastasia and watch this gold digger get a gander at all the evidence we have on her and the other possible fathers. I am not happy about this, but if Christian isn't the father and she is a lying cheating female and all she wants is his money, he will take care of the baby financially, but he will not marry her and who could blame him after everything mom told me about her and now we think she is Eamon illegitimate daughter and he seems to keep adding more kids to his family as time goes on. Mom told me that Angel Sheffield, Marians mother dated him before he married Enid, but he failed to stop seeing her. Even now we believe he still sees her. Mom has a good network of information. She listens when people talk.
Listen when DNA is tested we can go over my sons part if he is the father, until then we will play wait and see. He has already told you that he is not marrying you, so why even bother Anastasia about stepping aside for you and this baby. Now that you know we are aware of your sexual activities with more than my son, we can get that paternity test done.
I won't be doing that test until the baby is born and you can be assured I will be letting the hospital know who the father of the baby is then.
Ahh you see, you might try to put Christian as the father, but I wouldn't do that if I were you. You see Christian has to acknowledge that he is the father by law. They have forms and unless he has the paternity tests done he isn't going to sign that form. Check the Washington state laws regarding that. This comes up at the hospital a lot. When is your due date anyway?
Why do you need to know my due date?
We want to know about when to expect you and get the paternity tests done.
Well I think it's my business and that is how it will stay. I will make sure Christian is advised by way of Jacobs when the baby is born. Now since it seems Anastasia can't or won't do the right thing along with your son and take responsibility for stepping aside and Christian doing the right thing and marrying me I am wasting my time here aren't I?
Well I think he is doing the right thing by not marrying a cheating female. Don't come here again to harass my employee. She walks out the door and slams it.
You do know there are states she could have the baby in and they only ask the fathers name.
I am aware of it. I just hope she's not that stupid, because we can still have the paternity confirmed. She might get child support temporarily from Christian, but she will have to pay it back when they find out she lied about the father, if she did lie about it. We still don't know who the real father is.
Well I don't know much about this, but I think she is standing her ground on waiting until the baby is born. I hope it isn't Christians but from everything I have heard there are numerous candidates as the father. How did he meet her anyway?
A bar that he and his brother went to is all I know. We now have to figure out something else as well. We are hoping to find out who Marians father is. It's going to be tricky.

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