Breakfast For Two

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I cook breakfast for Sarah and myself and make her some coffee as she likes it. She comes down and smiles as she sees the table set and ready to eat the food and she can drink her juice and coffee. I drink milk and juice. I am already dressed for work and we do the dishes and she offers to drive me and pick me up because it's raining outside. I offer to pay for her gas and she refuses and we head to my work place. She is is wide eyed when she sees I am working for Grey Law firm. She tells me he is one of the top lawyers around.
You got lucky and you just arrived into town another amazing feat.
I guess they didn't like the other applicants. His wife might have had something to do with me getting hired. The other females were showing off their wares.
Their wares? Like their boobs and butts?
Yes those would be their wares. She just laughs and asks me to call her when I need picked up and we can go get some supplies.
If you want to we can teach you how to drive my car, we can get your learners permit this weekend. We can make sure you gain your independence and have that dream life you want.
Thanks Sarah I appreciate everything and will make it up to you.
Just be all that you can be okay! You best get inside before the rain gets worse. Here's and umbrella.
I hop out and open the umbrella and head for the door and wave goodbye to Sarah. Fred said he thought his aunt was lonely and it would be a good thing for her to have me stay with her and not a person who would take advantage of her.
I wait for her to get inside and I drive home. I call Fred and tell him, he was right Anastasia is a very good person and I can count on her if I need to. He was worried that him having to drive the bus on long journeys that someone might realize I am alone and might break in and rob me. I think about everything we need to pick up at the grocery. She didn't take a lunch, so we need to make sure we get her food for lunches and something to carry it in. Fred said that once she is comfortable we will tell her about my illness. Fred and I figure that we can rent Anastasia a room, help her get a license and a car. That way when my illness gets worse a nurse can be hired and Anastasia can help out while not working or attending classes. She can cook for us all and we have a washing machine and dryer. Fred doesn't want the house or my money. He likes driving a bus. As long as he has a place to hang his hat when he needs to he will be happy. He is my only family and he wants me to leave my assets to someone who will be here for me in the end. It was like God sent Anastasia to us. We got the news a week before she arrived in Seattle. We aren't going to tell her until we absolutely have to. We have a year or so, depending on how well I take care of myself. I knew as soon as Fred told me about Anastasia that she would be the one to see us through this hard time. Very selfish I know, but we are going to make sure she is well taken care of by leaving her my estate in my will. I have an appointment with Carrick Grey to set this up. It will be tricky, but he's a very smart attorney. I got the idea when I saw she worked for his firm.
I get to my cubicle and I place the umbrella in the trash can so the water can drip off of it. I turn on my phone and and computer. I am supposed to learn more about it and also take some training for this week and next week. I think about my mom and dad for some reason. I know that my dream about them was unpleasant, I can't figure out what it meant.
I say hi to Anastasia and tell her that she has to go to HR and fill out some more papers and they will be training her on the computer right after that.
I am looking forward to it. Thanks Silvia I will go right now, I send my phone to the answering machine and head to HR. I have to give them an emergency contact local and otherwise. So I do. I explain my parents are hard to get hold of and they will have to leave a message. They have a investment plan and I decide to put twenty five percent into investments. Then get life insurance and split it between Sarah and my parents just in case. We get everything done and they ask about my drivers license and I have to explain that I am getting a learners permit and will be working on getting my operators license.
Timothy Brown
We can help you get the license if you want us to? I will be training you on your computer and all you have to know and do for the firm. I sit her down and she's a quick study. I teach her how to open up files and close them and how to search the internet and how to open up her photos and then show her how to print things off and where the printer is that she will be using in her area. I show her how to edit and save and send emails and write an email and open up her emails. Basically all the basics until we get her trained for more.

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