Abrahams Artistry

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I can't believe what the dress looks like and it only needed tiny changes and you could tell it was used after Abraham completed the designs. We decided to marry in six months. Anastasia signed over the Williams home to us as a wedding present. The only thing we have to do is keep Sarah's room as it was. I look into the room and it is beautiful, Fred cleans it every week. The yard is where we are going to have our wedding. Dad, mom, Fred, Christian and Anastasia are all helping get my wedding completed.
Elliott has been a bit depressed after learning that Kate is married. I have tried to introduce him to other ladies, but he just doesn't want to meet anyone at all. What really hits home is how much Kates husband and his twin looks like Christian. That bothers me a lot. But Christian says he can have them move to a place nearby, but with them being in the building they can lead people away from us to assure our safety. I get it I do, but it still bothers me.
I am sure it bothers Anastasia that our husbands look a lot alike. I have never mistaken them at all, mines younger. Plus security is with Christian at all times. Jason in particular.
I know about the twin doubles that Christian has on staff at GEH and that Kate actually married one of them. Mia and I ran into them on their way to the apartment below Christians place. Carrick is here to complete the transfer of the Williams home to Fred and Mia. We get the marriage license filled out and few other things. Carrick is surprised at Anastasia giving them the Williams home.
Are you sure about this, you understand Sarah wanted you to have it to pass down to your family right?
I am passing it to family, Fred is family and so is Mia. So their children can pass it down as well.
I recall she is passing it on to family, Mia will make sure that happens as well. So I add an agreement that it stay in the family. All are in agreement.
She is giving away the Williams house that Fred lives in and the others are still under leases. Dad is making sure everything's done and now we are having supper and talking wedding plans and what needs done. I have to buy a new tuxedo and so does Elliott. Mia is having her friends as maid of honor and bridesmaids because they are her height. She thought the balance would be better for photos. Anastasia had no problem with that at all. It made sense to her. Considering our wedding photos and we had to use a stool to get her in the photos.
Did you have Abraham complete your dress?
He did and the rest of the dresses. Mom and the other dresses turned out very well. He reuses maid of honor and bridesmaids dresses as well. The uglier ones he has turned into beautiful masterpieces. Wait until you see what he can do. You did good by investing in him. Christian should help him expand into a bigger market.
He is already in a bigger market Mia. His designs have turned the fashion wear and they call it a recycling. He can tell you all about it. I told him about you and he wanted to make you the dress and he found a nice one.
It is beautiful wait until you see it. Mom has seen it already and my friends as well. I know what I want for the yard and the food as well. Thanks for the house, it will be good for children.
I was always going to give it to Fred and now it will be yours and Fred's to be passed down to your children, which will be Williams and that's what Sarah wanted. She didn't want the other Williams other than Fred or me to have the home and estate.
We definitely don't want the other Williams family members to get hold of any of Sarah's estate. We fill everything out and I can't wait until this wedding is over with. We have had to go here and there and now cake tasting is happening soon. I am looking forward to that. Elliott comes in and grabs a plate and a glass of wine. He looks tired and sad.
I ran into Kate and her husband. They looked very happy. Mom knows I am having a hard time regarding her marriage. I am throwing myself into my work and getting a lot of jobs completed and a lot more work. I am expanding my business and have hired a few people to help out.
I ask Elliott if is dating and if not I know someone who wants me to put a good word in for her with him. Cheryl Brown is a new attorney at his dads firm and she is interested in meting some nice guys, but keep running into creeps.
So is she cute?
Cute? She makes other women look like God spent less time on them. I pull a photo up on my phone and show him her photo. I hand him her number and when she is available.
Three weeks later I get a view of Mias wedding dress and omg it is perfection and fits her perfectly. Her friends are a bit snooty, they ask me how did I land Christian like he was a fish of some kind. Christy Adams asks me some very personal questions about Christian and how he is in bed. I tell her that our sexual prowess is not her business. But I make her aware that I am as good at sex as he is and we are exceptional together. I also explain that we are happily married and he is not available. I hope she gets the point. Fern Meadows Mias bridesmaid tells Christy to shut up. Christian is the best man and Elliott is the groomsman.
I am still going to try my luck with Christian. I have a plan in motion. Now to get his bland wife out of my way.

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