Mias Special Delivery

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I insisted on being taken to be there when Mia gave birth to my namesake. What we weren't told, is that she was having triplets. That is why they had her on bed rest. She and Fred kept that from everyone. They didn't want to tell us until she had them safely and hopefully healthy as well. When we got not one but three identical girls we were shocked. All weighed under five pounds. All 16 inches long and born three weeks early. Madison Elizabeth, Grace Alexandria, Aubrey Rose Williams was born all very healthy. The only concern is the weight. They just missed being born on Theodores birthday by a week.
A detective from Pennsylvania calls me about a recent discovery. He believes my daughter in law, employee and client is the child of two murder victims they found on Raymond Steeles farm recently. I am sent photos of reconstructed facial features and then actual photos of a married couple they finally found out were Vanessa and Robert Williams. They need DNA proof and they are investigating the Steele family in regards to the couples deaths.
Detective Roger Watkins PPD
I saw old photos of Anastasia Grey and she looks a lot like the man and now we have the ID. We are trying to get the real story out of the Steeles. The story is that a police friend of theirs found the girl and took it to them and they adopted her. No policeman would ever do that, they have protocols in place. The stories seem to change every time we question them. So here I am talking to an attorney and he says he has to call her in and explain everything her aunt had told him about her suspicions about Anastasia being her niece. She somehow got a DNA test done without Anastasias knowing. It turned out she was right. I ask if we can talk to her.
Raymond Steele
We are being investigated for the Williams deaths. We need to come clean about everything. Anastasia will never forgive us I am sure of that. Somehow the bodies were uncovered by a stray dog. It wasn't a stray dog it was a police dog and they were looking for a person who was wanted for killing a gas station attendant and he was in the area. I grab my gun just in case, but they ask me to hand it over. I can't believe they are arresting me. They ask me where my daughter is now? Carla speaks up and says she is in Seattle Washington and is married to a Christian Grey. The detective has us taken in for questioning and asks us if Anastasia is our biological daughter?
We adopted her after she was found by a police friend of my husband here.
I never told Carla the truth about what happened back then. The actual adoption is not legal in any court in the world. But no one questioned it in the Amish community. I found a way to create what looks like legal adoption papers and no one ever questioned them. Now this detective is questioning everything I am telling him. I can't explain or even prove what happened that day. All I can says is that, someone offered to sell me a beautiful newborn baby. Ten thousand dollars, I just couldn't allow the person to drive off with that baby. I had them take me to my bank and went to my safe deposit box and took out ten thousand dollars and gave them them money. Now I need to find the mother and father of the baby. It was obvious they were the parents. I took the baby and the car seat and went home and had the baby examined and her cord tied and cauterized. She was hungry and we got some ladies to help us on the feeding and she was healthy. I had my ear to the ground about any thing out of the ordinary. What I didn't know was the two people who sold t,he baby to me were the ones who killed her parents after the baby was born. They had disposed of their bodies on my property in a very isolated area. Now they have to prove what I am telling them. Unfortunately my bank had a fire that destroyed the papers showing me getting into my safe deposit box all those years ago. The investigation is going to take some time. I am released but can't leave the area. I knew this would come back to bite me in the butt. Carla not being able to have children and cried if I mentioned taking her to the cops and explaining what happened and why I got the baby from them would look odd. She made some valid points. I called an attorney and he told me what would happen to the baby under the circumstances and he said not all families are good to their charges. Carla begged me not to give her to the authorities after what I heard made my decision for me.
Detective Watkins
I told Carrick Grey the story and he told me he has not only seen the evidence he knows cases personally. He wouldn't elaborate any further. But Steeles story rings very true. We definitely know evidence shows that his DNA wasn't any where near that area or on the bodies or in the graves. The female showed evidence or a traumatic birth. The baby was cut out of her the medical examiner told us that the mother hadn't delivered the baby naturally. The pelvic bones prove she wasn't even ready to give birth. I tell him I need to talk to her and get the DNA samples. Mr Steele and his wife should have did the legal thing. The baby was very tiny and they weighed her at three pounds and four ounces. They weren't sure she would live. The Steeles were questioned repeatedly.

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