Dinner And A Photo

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I was nervous about going on a date especially a first date. I find an elegant but simple outfit and some cute shoes that I can easily walk in. My hair is curled and flowing free, my makeup is light and compliments my face. Erin is waiting and the doorbell rings and Fred says good luck as he heads out himself. He has been dating someone recently. Christian is waiting at the door no we head out with Erin sitting next to Taylor, Christian bodyguard and driver and according to him a lot more than that.
I was very impatient to see Anastasia and here she is sitting beside me and I ask if I can hold her hand. She allows me to hold it and it so tiny and soft. I think I am about a foot taller than her and I just want to protect her at the time. Mom and dad have approved of my asking Anastasia out. They think she is the real deal and not after my money or notoriety. She is the type of young lady that believes in love and marriage. I walk up and knock on her door and she surprises me by answering the door herself and then tells me Erin has to join us because of some threats recently. I am not surprised at all if they saw the photos of my parents anniversary party with me chatting with and dancing with her that night. We make it to my restaurant and Erin and Taylor sit at the table near us. We chat a bit and order and we find out we have similar tastes in food. We like home cooking for the most part and both prefer being outdoors when we can. She misses raising gardens and having farm animals, but it is also hard work. She would like to own a farm and horses and everything sometime in her life in the outside world. You can't tell she is Amish and then I recall she was adopted as well. She was a newborn and I was an orphan.
We had a great time until we leave and flashes go off as we go toward the car. Christian protects me and Erin and Taylor get us into the backseat and try to drive through the large crowd of photographers and people shouting questions at us. How did they know where we were at? Someone had to have called and told them where we were at.
Taylor warned me that this could happen, which means we need more security to protecting her from now on. We have to have a talk. She will definitely agree to more security after tonight. I tell her to call me in the morning about recruiting more security. They haven't found out where she lives yet, but they will. I head to my quarters and leave Anastasia with mr Grey.
I am so sorry Anastasia, but Erin is correct you will need more security and soon. I texted Taylor to have some come over so you can have protection when you leave the house in the morning. She asks me if I want something to drink like tea or soda or water. She doesn't have any alcohol in the house, because she doesn't drink and neither does Fred. Plus she has never had any guests here yet and I am her first. We both have water since it's so late. Her living room is very cozy and we relax and listen to her radio. I sit and put my arm around her and pull her close.
I lean over and kiss Christian on the lips and we start kissing and it gets a bit heated as the romantic sounds of music plays in the background. We stop because it's getting intense and I am not ready for that kind of thing yet. He helps me up and we head to the door and he asks me to go out again. Next time on his boat and his family around. But maybe some night during the week if I am available. Of course I am, he says he will text me the time and day.
She walks me to the door and I hold her closely, I lean down and pull her against me and start kissing her again and can't get enough, finally I have to go before I take liberties with her that I shouldn't. I open the door and kiss her one last time and head to the car that has Taylor waiting patiently for me. I wave as I get into the back seat and Taylor drives us down her driveway and towards home. I see a smile on Taylor's face as I tell him I want to take her someplace special on Wednesday if possible. We finally get home and I have an idea of bringing Anastasia here so we won't have an issue and I go look and see if I have some romantic movies to watch and choose several and inform Taylor it will be a movie date for Wednesday and then I send Gail a message about making ,y favorite meal for two on Wednesday and my favorite desert and movie snacks for my home theater. I finally send Anastasia a text asking her to join me for dinner and a movie at my home on Wednesday.
Christian asks me to dinner and a movie at his home on Wednesday night and I agree to it. He will come and pick me up again. I ask how to dress and he says to dress casually. I tell him I would love to join him for dinner and a movie. I might think about seeing someone for birth control soon. Just in case I decide on taking that next step. Always be prepared is my thoughts. Not sure if I want to wait for marriage at this point, but that is something that I have to make a choice about and soon.

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