A New Influx Of Employees

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I am working very hard to get things done on my desk as ten new employees are brought in to replace the ones that were let go last week. My boss has all of us training each of them. Just my luck I get one who wants to ask me questions about Christian and what it is like dating him.
Felicity Jones
Omg the girl from the photo of Christian Grey and his dinner date over the weekend is training me. I try to ask her what he likes and she tells me I am here to work not give out information on Christian Grey. Plus it's my personal business and his, we keep it private. She asks me if I am here to work or for a chance to meet him or his brother, if so then maybe I should find someplace else to work, because he rarely comes into this department if at all. She receives flowers from someone as we looking through a file and she is trying to explain how to input it into the computer. She signs for it and hides the car in her drawer and locks it up.
I am thrilled to get flowers fr9m Christmas and he texts me and I let him know they arrived and thank him and explain I am training a new employee. I lock the card 8n my desk drawer and continue training Felicity. Lunch t8me arrives and so does Christian and he has lunch for me and he introduces himself to Felicity and we go to an empty conference room to be alone while Felicity stands there drooling along with several of the other new employees. The table is set with food and water and we have a nice quiet lunch. We kiss good bye at my desk and before everyone arrives back he leaves for an appointment with his father. He, Elliott and Mia have something in the works and Mia is going to be the chef of a new restaurant they have in mind. I guess to keep it on a business nature Mia insisted they have it all legal and above board.
Wow you two look like a cute couple. He doesn't date long though, so be prepared to be dumped soon.
Wednesday was perfect and we had early mornings so we cut it short. The whole night was great. I thanked him again for the flowers and explain what Felicity has said and it might not be a good thing him sending flowers to me at work. He understands and will make sure that I get them at home from now on.
I will say this once again my private life and Christians is our business and no one else. We are here to work so let's get to work okay? I am sitting here thinking that she just wants to cause trouble. She was trying to find out about him to begin with and now she is talking smack about him. Only one reason for that is to cause doubt in my mind about us. I play with one of the roses he sent me and open up the new file and ask her to show me what she has actually remembered. Sadly she has learned it and got through the file only making two mistakes. By Wednesday she has been placed on a desk that had been occupied by the girl who tried to get me fired. I am glad for the quiet and now lock my drawers all the time. I place a thin piece of tape over the drawers now, I noticed someone had attempted to get into my desk more than once. I informed my boss and he said he will take care of it. He never explained what or how he meant. By Friday there has been two more people fired. I am promoted and given an office with locked files and a locked desk and a locked door. I sit next to his desk and he shows me something. I watch a video and Felicity and the two fired employees were caught on video, but they spoke so quietly we could get the jest of what they were talking about. But Felicity is spearheading whatever it is. Now Carrick and HR have to get involved. They think that Felicity is a spy of some kind and when they found out someone was trying to get into my desk they decided to set them up, by giving me innocuous files to enter into the computer into a bogus account name and number. I wasn't thrilled, but understood why they hadn't told me and it turns out it was a good thing. They finally caught Felicity in my office while I was called out of the office for an afternoon meeting. She waited until everyone left for lunch and entered my office. We had cameras all over the room and sound. She was caught talking to of all people George Williams. She got copies of all my unmetered files and replaced them with files that would cause real problems and try get me fired yet again. What is it with these people. Who is Felicity to George Williams.
Dad deserves that inheritance and so do I. Mom was pretty mad as well when she heard that Sarah didn't leave him anything but the million dollar loan he went through in the first six months. Apparently Sheila still has most of hers left, she bought a modest home and car and kept the rest and invested it with a very good company. That company was bought up by of all companies Grey Enterprises Holdings. The value tripled in six months. So she made nearly a million from that investment. Dad never recognized me as his child until recently when he wanted to have me help him get hold of the Williams folders from Carrick's law firm. I can't seem to find them and no one else can. So I have been keeping my nose clean and doing an excellent job, but the two who were supposed to help me made all kinds of stupid mistakes and got fired. I have attempted to get into Anastasias desk, but can't seem to. Now she has an office that is an easy mark and I set her up finally and call dad and let him know she will soon be fired and I will be taking her place.

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