A Party Really?

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I convince Anastasia to attend the party for Grace and Carrick anniversary party. We have to buy some nice clothing and she finds a simple black dresses and some nice pumps all used and we find me a matching black suit and nice brand new shoes each that match our outfits. Anastasia pays for all of it and we also have security wearing their nice clothing. Anastasia has her gun in her purse and her license just in case. Security had recommended it. She went to the ladies lingerie section and I head to check out another pair of pants to go with the suit jacket. She has made her purchases and then finds some makeup and things for her hair. We bought very nice attire and all new undies and then some nice jewelry pieces along with a few other things. We got out spending less than four hundred dollars on things that would cost over ten grand according to the sales clerk.
One thing I bought new was all my undergarments and oh my goodness I saw these things in women's magazines, but oh my they make me feel what I think is called sexy. We made out like a bandit is what Fred told me and he informed they clerk told him what the costs would have been if they had been purchased for full retain price. Finally we get ready for the party and we are driven by security Erin Thomson a young woman and Jacob Tolliver who is driving and our security. Erin is just in case I need the ladies room. She is well aware I am carrying my gun and my carry and conceal license.
We are greeted by Grace and Carrick Grey at the reception line. Apparently their children are handling last minute catering issues and we will meet them throughout the evening. Fred leads us along after I introduce my security to Grace, and Erin as well. Carrick knows Jacob, but not Erin. They have more guests to greet so they let us know there are appetizers and drinks available at the serving tables and we head over.
Wow that's Anastasia Steele, she sure cleans up well. Is Fred her boyfriend?
I never saw her dressed like that, she keeps it business at all times and that is the guy who helped her with finding a room to rent and it turned out very well for him and his aunt Sarah.
That's the heir to the Williams fortune, wow I heard it was because she took great care of Sarah and never left her side while she died, she only went to work and made sure she had everything she wanted and needed and paid for it from her own salary.
Yes, she did do that. She never touched any of the accounts we set up so she could pay all the bills for the house she lived in and she cooked all their meals including staffs meals. She slept in the room in a chair next to Sarah. The made sure she could be in the sunlight in a special glass enclosure. Again she paid for it and built part of it along with Fred.  You hired her and you were right she is an excellent employee. No g9ld digger there.
George has tried hard to imply it, but I heard her kids hadn't seen her in twelve years and I didn't see them at her funeral at all. Fred and Anastasia were there for Sarah.
I watch as a beautiful woman has finished talking to mom and dad and it looks like she has a date. He really looks like a friend and not a date. Mia suddenly asks me what I think they should do about the shortage of the shrimp puffs. Just have them send for more, they were asked for a certain number and they haven't fulfilled the contract on that. So inform them they need to assure the contract is fulfilled or lose a customer.
Really Christian they had one of the servers ran into by one of our guests and that is why the shortage. Mia don't tell them that, just ask they find an alternative to them and get that ready okay?
Okay don't fight about this please, this is our parents party okay. I walk towards the catering manager and deliver Elliotts message and she looks relieved until I tell her make sure it's done quickly. And ask my mom if it is something she will like?
The caterer tells me what has happened and she has extra crab puffs and some dumplings and a few other new items and I just tell her to bring out the new things and if it is extra we will make sure she is compensated properly. Christian walks over and asks me if I am happy with the alternative and I tell him yes and she was making us some of her newest creations.
Hmm that's good to know and now I know I was right she had intended on using her new creations all along and shortchanged us on the shrimp puffs so she could do this. She has done it more than once and she thinks it don't know about it. Gia Matteo is a very calculating person and mom is as well, but she fell prey to Gias manipulation.
Gia Matteo
I knew it would work with Grace and Mia, Elliott tried and succeeded in talking Christian down and now I have successfully gotten my way. I intentionally left those stupid shrimp puffs short so I could bring in my newest creations. Christian likes the same old same old. His mom allowed me to do the switch, so I lied about someone had bumped into the person with the shrimp puffs and she bought it. Now if I could just get one of the Grey men in my bed, even Carrick Grey. Who doesn't want a millionaire or a billionaire husband. Even my sexy uniform hasn't gotten any of their attention.

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